Sentences with phrase «paganism does»

The fact that a lot of Christian praxis today owes something to paganism doesn't excuse a specific case of it; it just means that we're in a target - rich environment.
But to say that it is a part of resurgent paganism does not prove that it is evil in and of itself: In terms of their origin, the play is pagan, the tragedy is pagan, the epic poem is pagan.
Such a relationship to the deity paganism did not know.
It is quite right for one to say that paganism did not possess faith, but if with this one is to have said something, one must be a little clearer about what one understands by faith, since otherwise one falls back into such phrases.

Not exact matches

We focus on what God can do for us and we curse Him in our iniquities and paganism...
I am for the elimination of hate, fear and control, religion is just the catalyst that people use to hate, fear and control, getting rid of religion won't solve the problem, its like putting a band aid on a severe cut, its temporary, and it just hits the surface, instead we need to go deeper than that to the root cause, I know lots of religious people who don't hate, fear or control, there are also many beliefs such as paganism, Buddism, Taoism, which doesn't use hate fear, and self righteousness to condemn others, I think if maybe more of the most major religions followed there teachings then we wouldn't have as much problems as we do.
Just as most of the citizens of the Western world reject paganism, when they give the matter any attention, so likewise do they recognize the untenability of power culture.
It was in Western Europe, where it faced a much weaker paganism, was associated with the prestige of Roman civilization, and, while often favored by civil rulers, did not have to confront a continuously powerful state which controlled all phases of life, that the influence of Jesus was most marked.
Or do you believe the God of the Christian Bible doesn't exist and that paganism is a more accurate reflection of reality?
Does paganism take a stance on this or is your view here yours alone but not reflective of other pagans?
From Karl: As a pagan, do you believe the God of the Christian Bible exists, and simply reject him in favor of paganism?
But if what I am suggesting is true, that God has revealed His plan prophetically through the myths and tales of paganism, why can't we all be pagans, and how do we know that Christianity is not just another pagan myth?
paganism is someone who does NOT believe in christianity.
Did Christianity «redeem» these things so that they are no longer associated with paganism, OR did they corrupt Christianity so that it no longer reflects the values and mission of JesDid Christianity «redeem» these things so that they are no longer associated with paganism, OR did they corrupt Christianity so that it no longer reflects the values and mission of Jesdid they corrupt Christianity so that it no longer reflects the values and mission of Jesus?
What people who argue this way don't seem to understand is that everything about Christianity is rooted somewhere / somehow in paganism.
And when you recognize, as Augustine did, that theology is progressive, the paganism becomes an irrelevance.»
David read the whole sentence and then read the whole book, then go and study what the Hebrews were doing at that time, falling into paganism, specifically the babylonian stuff going on.
The selfishness of paganism, therefore, in spite of all that can be said about it, is not nearly so «qualified» as that of Christendom, in so far as here also there is selfishness; for the pagan did not possess his self directly in the face of God.
Atheism, pantheism, and paganism have, it would seem, made far more inroads within the Jewish community than Christianity, but Jews who adhere to these religious inclinations, because they do not join a rival covenant community, largely escape the censure of the Jewish community.
The basic argument of the book is that most of what the church does today was borrowed from paganism.
In the full article, I did briefly refer to that article I wrote about paganism, but I didn't deal with your question specifically.
Nash and Brown basically summarize the findings of these scholars in addition to supplementing their findings with more recent evidence that suggests 1st century Christianity did not steal its ideas from paganism.
Many scholars, ancient and modern, have pointed out that such contact with Christianity is unlikely but that, even if it did happen, the Christianity practiced in that part of the world was so debased that it was indistinguishable from paganism.
The paganism of American culture is less obvious, for we do not have to contend with a government that suppresses religious freedom or harasses religious leaders.
You are seeing what they did to JFK saying that the catholic church pray to idols and practice paganism mixing with the old and new testament.
This mere thought of taking time upon one's conscience of giving it time to explore with its sleepless vigilance every secret thought, with such effect that, if every instant one does not make the movement by virtue of the highest and holiest there is in a man, one is able with dread and horror to discover (People do not believe this in our serious age, and yet it is remarkable that even in paganism, less easy - going and more given to reflection, the two outstanding representatives of the Greek as a conception of existence intimated each in his way that by delving deep into oneself one would first of all discover the disposition to evil.
In Adamson's account, Augustine's legacy looms largest in this era because he had the courage to announce a redefinition of philosophy that required «self - knowledge as involving not just duality but trinity,» and a resistance to any remnant of paganism — that is, anything that does not lead us «away from sin and self - interest to a truly «philosophical» way of life.»
I'm sorry, but «Jesus» doesn't give somebody like her, who is steeped in paganism, «divine revelations» outside the Bible, nor would He promise to bless a book she is going to write — which, with its «new» revelations, render moot God's Word which tells us everything we need to know.
you spew out words that have no facts or meaning to them do you belive in paganism the worlds oldest religion
The victory of the church over paganism was in part due «to the rule that the Christians assimilate pagan ideas while the pagans do not appropriate Christian ones» (Momigliano 1963 p. 87, quoted by Cobb 1982a p. 6).
First, concerned about the influence of paganism upon the Roman Christians, Paul sees homosexual expression as a result of idolatry, but he does not claim that such practices are the cause of God's wrath.
In paganism of course this sin did not exist.
fishon — I don't think David is making a reference to either paganism or pastors.
Neither does the Bible, all the more so when it is trying to metaphorically convince me not only of a fairy, but a cobalt blue fairy with peculiarly tinted wings, forcing me to also consider the sky blue fairy of Judaism, the navy blue fairy of Islam, the red fairies of Hinduism, the purple fairies of the Norse religion, the green fairies of paganism, the rainbow - colored fairies of ancestor worship, all of which are equally implausible and mutually exclusive alternative kinds of fairies where we don't even have a single fairy of any color trapped in a cage.
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