Sentences with phrase «pager goes»

When David Gaylord's pager goes off, it might be a real estate client, but it could very well be a fire call.
The last thing you want is to abandon your date in a restaurant if your pager goes off.
All the little buzzes and dings, even when it's ostensibly notifying you of «good stuff,» is not much different from being a doctor on call and having the pager go off, or hearing a jackhammer at the construction site across the street.
So the pager went off.
«I was eating dinner later that evening when my pager went off.

Not exact matches

The name comes from a bygone era when workers on - call waited for the pagers on their belts to go off.
No problem We're not going to get on the same pager here Words and etymologies notwithstanding.
You pack and repack your birth bag 3 times, check the on off switch on your pager / cell phone 5 times and go to bed with your clothes on... on a hunch... and you get called three hours later.
If the pager is left switched on, waiting for a signal, the battery goes flat within 18 days.
The first resume, a handsome six - pager in a gray envelope, said to the other, «I'm going to puff myself up real big and strong, and make it impossible for Nancy to miss me in that large stack.»
Global positioning satellites (GPS); remote sensing for water, minerals, and crop and land management; weather satellites, arms treaty verifications; high - temperature, light - weight materials; revolutionary medical procedures and equipment; pagers, beepers, and television and internet to remote areas of the world; geographic information systems (GIS) and algorithms used to handle huge, complex data sets; physiologic monitoring and miniaturization; atmospheric and ecological monitoring; and insight into our planet's geological history and future — the list goes on and on.
What started as a small VC - funded firm that launched the Inter@ctive Pager in 1998 to combat SkyTel would later go on to help shape the smartphone industry.
These features could keep eReaders from going the way of the pager and PDA.
I wish that honest financial advisors would put together a one - pager fee disclosure, and would be required to go over it with clients.
Our answering machine will provide you with the pager number to the doctor on call or the name and number of the emergency clinic you may go to if we are not available.
The dream of a great smartwatch, of going beyond just a device on your wrist that acts like a pager, should be something that does a good handful of extra things: a Swiss army knife of clever functions that, collectively, you wouldn't want to live without.
For example, whether you should have a one - page resume or a two pager is going to depend on a myriad of circumstances that you'll need to figure out.
Since then I've poked fun at cold - calling, open houses and the nagging pagers we used to carry on our belts to find out we had forgotten our clients back at the office before we went to show homes.
«It's become important for them to go beyond traditional pagers, cell phones, and PDAs and take advantage of newer, wireless handhelds that also support additional capabilities such as e-mail and MLS access.»
As the two went into the basement, the assailant pulled a gun; handcuffed the salesperson to a pole; and stole the salesperson's credit cards, cellular telephone, and pager.
At Living Structures, associates wear pagers; all calls on their listings go directly to them, not to the broker; and, in one of the company's signature services, associates are required to return all calls the same day, ideally within the hour.
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