Sentences with phrase «pain they experience as»

She was a super little gripping dog, who took the pain she experienced as just «part of the job» once her owner set her upon the sleeve.
That does not even account for the emotional pain they experience as part of the process.
Pain and Suffering: Injury victims may be compensated for the physical and emotional pain they experience as a result of another's negligence.
These effects, and the pain experienced as a result, may heal in time.

Not exact matches

India will predictably apply fresh restrictions (e.g. protocols, new net worth norms) after it experienced some pain (after some scam or loss as in the Vodafone case), thus making the country a follower rather than a leader in this space.
Firoozeh Dumas was fortunate to have experienced as little pain as she did after her surgery in Germany.
As Josh explains, «We weren't looking for a problem to solve - it found us since we had experienced this pain point while running our own prior businesses.»
Joe Laszlo, a senior broadband analyst at Jupiter Communications in New York City, calls DSL a good technology that has experienced «pretty significant growing pains as it transitions from experimental to prime - time, mass - audience consumer adoption.»
The same areas of our brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain,» writes Winch in the post.
The talk show host concluded: «Here's what I'll be very disappointed in: If Trump does lose, as I am very confident that he will, and let's say it's not super close, if he loses by a significant margin and Sean Hannity and people like him have not experienced some significant career pain, if not destruction, because of their role, then it's over.
While she praised the organization's commitment and weight, she noted that it was experiencing «growing pains» as it attempts to keep up with the rapidly changing campaign landscape, where one successful viral video can eclipse a deluge of paid advertisements.
The company framed the move as improving user experience and added that it takes pains already to create a climate of tolerable ad formats.
The researchers asked study participants to determine from photographs if people were experiencing feelings such as loss, victory or pain from facial expressions or body language alone, or from both.
As long as we are building an experience that solves their main pain points, we are moving in the right direction.&raquAs long as we are building an experience that solves their main pain points, we are moving in the right direction.&raquas we are building an experience that solves their main pain points, we are moving in the right direction.»
Businesses that are experiencing temporary cash flow squeeze as a result of increasing sales, growing pains, expansion, seasonal fluctuations, acquisitions, high leverages, insufficient or used up credit lines.
[1] Denmark's overleveraged banking system, with banking assets as a percentage of GDP at 454 % versus the U.S.'s 90 %, will experience unimaginable pain when the country's housing bubble deflates in earnest.
Uber receipts are difficult to handle as well, a pain when doing expenses, Lyft is a much better experience for receipts, tipping and not to mention they hold a much higher standard of ethics as a business which counts.
Having worked as a firefighter for over thirty years, having worked as a grief counselor for over five years, having experienced lots of pain, suffering and sorrow as a hypnotherapist, to allow those in grieve, to be able to share their feelings and emotions in a non-judgmental atmosphere is huge.
So what if these «martyrs» experienced a second of pain as the LION bit into their necks?
I decided to take this job because I've seen through my own pain and experiences this last year that we as pastors and leaders are living «between the dreaming and the coming true» (credit goes to Robert Benson for that phrase).
Takeaway for me is that the pain / suffering / rejection we experience in this life does not equal rejection by God — even if it does serve as a chastisement / correction for sin / failure in our lives — it reveals God's love and personal concern for our development, reminding us of our mortality and need to rely upon him... In short, the wounds / scars we receive are God's way of branding / choosing us as his own...
I had never experienced nor considered it so much as having borne the pain and sorrow associated with a particular bully in my congregation.
But both Ike and I have experienced the new creation as a club that can be used, often with the best of intentions, to assault our human truths and cause lies, pain and sometimes even death.
The last sensation I remembered had been incomprehensible pain, then a tunnel, and a grinding noise as described in other «near death experiences
Traditional Buddhist stories abound of meditators being taken over by evil spirits, and contemporary psychological studies of mindfulness practice going back to the 1970s include patients who experienced hallucinations, psychotic episodes, depression and other mental trauma, as well as nerve pain and similar physical impacts.
I love it because of your honesty, and I love it because I think it echoes what a lot of people experience in churches when they suspect abuse, but don't say anything - the ignoring of the intuitions, the pull of «belonging» to the greater group, the shame associated with telling, the pain when they * do * tell and then are immediately ostracized (so painful, when I'm guessing you thought you «belonged» at the table, and were only participating as you thought you had right to?
If this couple was indeed rejected because of their race, as a Southern Baptist I'm embarrassed, frustrated, and I apologize to the couple on behalf of the Convention for the hurt and emotional pain they've experienced,» Land's statement continued.
She's experienced pain as a result of this because it means she invests in relationships, only to have them sometimes get broken.
If the pastor has a keen awareness of what we have come to regard as the interpersonal hurt of his patient; knows the desperate and yet fatal need of the patient to evade further pain, no matter by what means, and often by striking out and hurting loved ones; feels something of the almost overwhelming and intolerable anxiety the patient experiences; is not too shaken by the terror evoked through what Kierkegaard expressed as «shut - up - ness unfreely revealed»; and can accept the consequent intense feelings of guilt and shame which isolate the patient from himself, from others and from God, then his ministry has within it the necessary element for a supportive and creative experience for the patient.
He begins to experience a deep, crushing pain in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with serum, and begins to compress the heart.
As horrible as my wife and I felt at the time, the pain of what that woman and so many others experienced during the height of the foreclosure crisis still felt distanAs horrible as my wife and I felt at the time, the pain of what that woman and so many others experienced during the height of the foreclosure crisis still felt distanas my wife and I felt at the time, the pain of what that woman and so many others experienced during the height of the foreclosure crisis still felt distant.
However if your claim has been inaccurate, then just as equally, the pain I will have experienced will have been as a result of being wronged by you.
If I can not learn to find peace in the midst of anticipation, I will never experience the joy of contentment, for «we know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
The God we encounter there is the God in whom we live and move and have our being, the God who rejoices over His children with signing, the God who spreads Her wings over Her children like an eagle over her chicks, the God who loved the world enough to experience all of its pain alongside of us, the God who — as Nadia Bolz - Weber puts it — «would rather die than be in the sin accounting business anymore,» the God who loves to watch us play.
As Elaine Scarry points out in The Body in Pain, to someone who suffers pain, nothing is more certain than the pain; she suggests that the experience of pain may be as close to a textbook case of «certainty» as we havAs Elaine Scarry points out in The Body in Pain, to someone who suffers pain, nothing is more certain than the pain; she suggests that the experience of pain may be as close to a textbook case of «certainty» as we havas close to a textbook case of «certainty» as we havas we have.
Mike Keffer writes about the pain of being condemned as a heretic by the leaders of his church, and how this experience freed him from religion so he could better follow Jesus.
As I gazed at the brown silt - choked waters absorbing a black plume of industrial and municipal sewage from Memphis and followed bits of some unknown beige froth floating continually down from Cincinnati, Louisville, or St. Louis, I experienced a palpable pain.
Regardless of our homes — our experiences in high school or college or as a kid — all of us have pasts filled with mistakes and hurt, seasons of pain, friendships lost, fights unresolved, maybe even regret.
If God is conceived so as not to favor our struggle for liberation, then God is thereby conceived so as not to experience fully our pain and suffering.
This post was actually written several years ago when I was indeed going through a very difficult time in my life, and nearly every top Christian song that hit the radio sounded empty and meaningless, as if those who wrote them had never experienced any real pain or hardship.
Last summer my cousin Antwyn Golden was murdered and I wrote a song about forgiving his killer as Christ forgave me, it wasn't an easy or overnight process and I turned to other things to fill the empty void but they were unsatisfying and only left me emptier, Christ was truly the only reason that I didn't go crazy, retaliation is never the answer its just continuing the destructive vicious cycle of nothingness and putting another family through the same pain that you experienced and no one wins in that.
If our families of origin invoke pain and suffering in our hearts (our experience of the flesh, as Paul would say), we can be comforted by the knowledge that we are adopted into another family — literally, as is the case for the Robertses, or spiritually and ultimately, for everyone who becomes a Christian and is redeemed by God in Christ.
I agree with you about the music.What about the sufferring, pain, mentall illnessess etc that we as «whatever we want to call ourselves» experience?
No other higher religion in the world calls its participants to a full experience of the pain and darkness of the human act of dying as the way to transfiguration and rebirth.
I think that many of us who experienced pain and shame as children are very sensitive to the pain and humiliation of others.
54 Human experience of frustration and pain as well as joy and happiness in the agricultural process served as a sign of the divine activity of the Kingdom of God.
I remembered Brennan Manning — the man who has translated the love of God in a way that I could receive it more than probably any other writer — was addicted to alcohol and I re-read up one of his last books before he died: «All is Grace: A Ragamuffin Memoir» where he vulnerably writes about what this battle has cost him, even as he experienced the unending and unconditional love of God in the midst of it, how he experienced regret and pain and loss alongside of the love and tenderness of God in this dependency.
Similarly, in her earlier role as an instructing judge on Southwark's diocesan marriage tribunal Chiara was able to bring together theology and her own experience of marriage to help others in pain — those whose marriages had broken down.
God is not to be perceived as an abstract remote deity insensitive to the deepest religious feelings which grow out of experiences of pain, suffering, death, and human agony.
Luke had been at pains to make clear that the risen Jesus was no otherworldly spirit but a physical form with flesh and bones, 42 who consequently presented his disciples with infallible proofs.41 The risen Christ came to be regarded as having conducted a fresh ministry with his disciples, and in these forty days he «taught them about the kingdom of God».41 But since the experience of the risen Christ was not of this character at the end of the century when Acts was written, it had to be made clear that this kind of experience was brought to an end by a new event, the Ascension.
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