Sentences with phrase «painful abscesses»

"Painful abscesses" refers to the presence of swollen, tender, and infected areas in your body that can cause discomfort and pain. Full definition
Often the bacteria will spread and infect the tooth root, causing painful abscesses.
Wounds resulting from territorial squabbles may develop into painful abscesses.
Other risks of obesity include bladder sludge (which is about as horrible as it sounds) and a type of foot infection known as pododermatitis, which happens when bacteria create painful abscesses in your bunny's little paws.
When beautiful Apricot, a long - haired, multi-colored tiger kitty came to us, she had painful abscesses covering her paws, and she'd recently had one of her back legs amputated.
Dogs may develop local reactions, including painful abscesses, and can also develop systemic signs including liver failure, which can be fatal without prompt, aggressive treatment.
He must have had an agonizingly painful abscessed tooth for him to have scratched himself raw trying to «get at» the pain.
My sweet rescue Chihuahua recently had 2 very painful abscessed anal glands, one requirung an expensive trip to the Animal ER.
When she came to us she had painful abscesses covering her paws, and she'd recently had one of her back legs amputated.
If left untreated, a painful abscess can develop.
A painful abscess at the root of one of his canines would have made normal hunting — grabbing and suffocating large prey — impossible, DeSantis says.
Has difficulty walking, lameness, or limping (first check between the toes for seeds or anything that can get lodged there and penetrate the skin, causing swollen, painful abscesses)
Don't let your pet's anal sac symptoms turn into a painful abscess.
The result is bite wounds and painful abscesses and the chance of being infected with feline immunodeficiency virus, or feline aids.
Left untreated, periodontitis may lead to bone loss, painful abscesses, difficulty eating or infection of the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys caused by the spread of bacteria through the blood stream.
If this channel becomes infected, a painful abscess may form, and if the sinus extends all the way into the spinal canal, infection can cause serious neurological diseases like meningitis, encephalitis, or myelitis.
This sticky, fatty food can get stuck in their cheek pouch, which can lead to tooth decay and painful abscesses.
In severe cases, a painful abscess may develop.
Broken or fractured teeth expose tooth pulp and bacteria invade the end of each root creating a painful abscess.
Untrimmed nails can easily snag on furniture or carpet, or even grow around into the tender paw pads, causing a painful abscess.
Difficulty eating — When teeth or gums become infected, painful abscesses may result.
If your pet has recently suffered insect bites, this can cause a painful abscess that fills with pus and blood, making the area tender to the touch.
Poor oral hygeine doesn't just cause bad breath, it can lead to tooth loss, painful abscesses, difficulty eating, and other serious health problems.
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