Sentences with phrase «painful effects»

The final kindness we can do for beloved pets who are suffering from disease or painful effects of advanced age is to relieve and shorten their misery.
Another most painful effect of changes were the terrible epidemics of cholera and fever.
Science educator David Muir's experiments to determine the sometimes painful effects of raindrop impacts are the work of genius and...
The final kindness we can do for beloved pets who are suffering from disease or painful effects of advanced age is to...
Not so the Canadian stock market, which is why we are all acutely feeling the painful effects of a bear market in energy and why this would be a great time to think about whether you're getting enough diversification from your holdings.
It examines the challenging path to sobriety while also showing the painful effects of addiction on families and communities.
Accordingly, they decisively favour a description of Plan A: «borrowing more will make matters worse... we have to bring the debt and the deficit under control even if it has some painful effects for the economy in the short term» over Plan B: «the government's spending cuts and tax rises are hurting the economy.
Willingly overlooking the science amounts to a fundamental failure of water management, leading water experts say, one that is leading to decisions about how to use it that will deepen and prolong the drought's painful effects.
Blocking this molecule, called TRPV4, greatly protects against the painful effects of sunburn.
«Laxatives can end up having a painful effect, or they may work so strongly that you're going for several hours or even the whole next day as opposed to the one, or maybe two, bowel movements that you were hoping for,» Dr. Raj says.
You've probably made the mistake of trying to reason and use logic with the narcissist to get him to understand the painful effect his behaviors have on you.
Although it may seem like a good idea to take laxatives to prevent constipation while dealing with hemorrhoids, laxatives can also have a painful effect on hemorrhoids.
Because of this, I understand all too well the painful effects of domestic violence and there is rarely a happy ending.
$ 96 billion just to keep our education bureaucracy immune from the painful effects of the recession that almost everyone else in America has had to cope with.
Not so the Canadian stock market, which is why we are all acutely feeling the painful effects of a bear market in energy and why this would be a great time to think about whether you're getting enough diversification from your holdings.
The painful effects of the crystals in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract usually fade within twelve to twenty - four hours from ingestion, although any swelling in the airway should be evaluated by a professional.
It develops gradually and invisibility, so it is not surprising that most owners are unaware of its painful effects on their pets.
My inability to articulate in words the harmful and painful effects the environment placed on my family made me turn to visual art as an outlet.
Frazier's images explore the painful effects of decades of industrial decline, poverty, and systemic racism in her hometown of Braddock, PA..
Typically, the injured prospective client together with family and friends, have to endure the painful effects associated with the damage this is the result of another individual's mistake or carelessness.
Moreover, realizing those potential benefits — such as reducing the rate of injuries to officers and possibly suspects — may require accepting the possibility that vulnerable populations are more likely to be exposed to the painful effects of [Taser use].
According to Judge [Donald P.] Lay's dissent, «Chauncey's undisputed purpose was to help [his friend] obtain marijuana to alleviate the painful effects of her multiple sclerosis.»
When you are faced with the painful effects of a car accident, an experienced personal injury lawyer can shield you from the fallout.
Even though harsh discipline carries a great risk of aggressive, hyperactive and delinquent manifestations, a study claimed that the painful effects of harsh parenting are offset by a kid's feeling of being loved, another Daily Mail article reported.
Damian also offers family therapy for those affected by Chemical Dependency or other Addiction to aid in recovery from the painful effects and consequences that the disease can have on anyone close to an addict.
If you're looking for an infidelity therapist, then you might be well aware of the painful effects of marital affairs.
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