Sentences with phrase «painful exercise in»

I often tell my clients at the outset of what's often a long and painful exercise in drafting of a typical response that the language, tone and content is different from that of a legal document.
As a native Canadian, the entire post-Kyoto period has been a painful exercise in my homeland resisting the loss of a major source of income, so I certainly get the idea in that regard.

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It means you have to sell your ideas to others — a possibly painful exercise, but one that pays huge dividends in the long run.
Training: Most corporate training exercises can be summed up in a word: painful.
One can certainly detect, for instance, a growing skepticism toward «modernity» in the form of master narratives and instrumental reason, possibly because Latin America has so often had a painful experience of these narratives and the exercise of such reason — experiencing them from the «reverse side of history,» to use Gutiérrez's apt phrase.
Furthermore, this bodily conflict between the mother and her emergent child anticipates the often much more painful act of separation, when the child, exercising the newly awakened powers made possible by his large head, reaches for his own autonomous knowledge of good and had, and repeats the original rise and fall from obedience and innocence in the ever - recurring saga of human freedom and «enlightenment.»
It touches some of the painful and dark places in your life, and through the exercise of getting it out on «paper» these painful places in your life begin to heal.
Going through the painful process of learning to accept that is a good spiritual exercise in preparation for the arrival of your child.
Leg Cramps: Practice light exercise, stretching, and yoga to improve painful cramping experienced in the legs.
Just as the Labour party had to go through a painful exercise of political reinvention in response to social and economic change, so unions must embark on a similar journey or run the risk of continued marginalisation and eventual irrelevance.»
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: Neither condition affects metabolism directly, but both can make exercise painful — and not exercising enough can lead to muscle loss and a drop in metabolism, explains Dr. Cederquist.
Being very time - consuming and very painful when done with a proper form, which is stretching fully and doing a hard squeeze, this exercise is very often neglected in favor of the more popular and easier version with a two - legged machine.
I also find LIGHT exercise like walking, gentle yoga (especially Cat / Cow position), etc in moments where it's not excruciatingly painful can really help.
Exercises to maintain strength and flexibility in the lower leg such as light calf raises as long as they are not painful and wobble balance board training can be done.
The symptoms include: widespread pain, decreased pain threshold, fatigue, insomnia, stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), reflux, migraines, headaches, cold intolerance, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, Sicca syndrome - dry mouth, nose and eyes, exercise intolerance, painful menses, painful intercourse, depression, brain fog, anxiety, painful or frequent urination and incontinence.
Lack of ovulation, whether it occurs naturally as the result of aging ovaries, or unnaturally, from extremes of stress, exercise, diet, and / or use of synthetic hormones in HRT or birth control pills, will cause estrogen to drop from 40 to 60 percent (enough to stop the menstrual cycle), but progesterone levels plummet much lower, to nearly zero in some women causing a raft of symptoms from heavy / painful periods, mood swings, PMS and depression to water retention, weight gain, slowed thyroid function, and heightened risks for endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts as well as breast and uterine cancer.
Painful and tight trigger points in the neck area were reduced more in the exercise group.
Excessive exercise, such as the kind of training needed to participate in marathon running or professional dancing, can cause painful heels, shin splints, headaches, blood in the urine, irregular or stopped menstruation.
By doing these poses designed to exercise the muscles in your face, you can restore your youthful appearance without any expensive, painful, or unhealthy procedures.
I can only wear sneakers right now and i use a Heel cup support on my feet, can you recommend any other exercises or possibly vitamins such as calcium or organic apple cider vinegar in conjunction with your massages to rid me of my painful heel spurs for once and for all?
I haven't been able to run or exercises in about a month and a half, so when I got on my foam roller for this video it was painful!
Take on these painful, gainful exercises that are sure to turn your legs into logs in due time.
It's nothing but a painful, tedious, cruel, and mean spirited exercise in sadism that actually tries to transform child molestation in to a comedic bit...
Independence Day: Resurgence is a painful, obtuse exercise in a most cynical and useless form of cash - grabbing (The ending promises another sequel).
Horses from many different breeds can suffer from the skeletal muscle disorder termed recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER), also commonly referred to as tying - up, in which an individual exhibits sporadic but recurring bouts of painful cramping and muscle cell damage following mild to moderate exercise.
The tens of thousands of dogs suffering in substandard, overcrowded breeding operations both large and small lacking vet care, exercise and forced to breed with painful conditions will finally get the protection they deserve.
Not that I'm prepared to assign an exact number to the per - cat cost of Akron's cat ordinance — sure to be a painful, unproductive exercise in «Pimentelian economics.»
Many times, they run with a «bunny hopping» gait because their legs are stiff and painful after exercise or first thing in the morning.
Then I spent almost a year going through a painful dispute to exercise my redemption right and value and sell them my stake in the company.
By guiding your clients through ACT - based exercises in mindfulness training and values clarification, you'll help them accept aspects of their situations that can't be changed, coexist with fear and other painful emotions, and commit to taking the actions that will lead them to success.
If neither side agrees to compromise on any matters of significance, you'll end up in litigation and your divorce will become a much more expensive, painful and prolonged exercise.
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