Sentences with phrase «painful feelings happen»

These stuck beliefs and painful feelings happen in trauma as well as grief, anxiety, depression and all kinds of loss.

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A lot of crap will happen but we will eventually find a balance again, getting rid of wenger is like doing something painful and stresfull that you do nt want to do but once you are done with it it just feels great.
A: This has not been a linear journey, but I am in a place now where I feel I can explore infidelity and divorce with some distance, providing a perspective that isn't driven by fear or anger, but by having discovered that in those painful and scary hours some real magic happened.
She felt heard and validated in her concerns which has not happened thus far in this painful process.
It happens to all of us — sometimes, we just fall into a rut and life feels flat, or worse, painful.
If you feel lonely, heartbroken, or helpless over someone, you ask yourself what is happening between you and another person that is causing these painful feelings.
I have low blood sugar readings, low blood pressure upon rising, PCOS with painful cysts (I only ovulate on my right ovary and I can painfully feel it when it happens) and have 4 children, several early miscarriages & need to supplement with progesterone to maintain pregnancies through the 1st trimester.
While it's staged as something that only ever happens in the movies (every extra stops to watch the big scene), there's a tender, painful truth to how the emotions play out and how authentic they feel.
We are never ready when it happens, and the days and weeks that follow can feel surreal, and so painful.
That perfecting feel didn't happen until the crowdfunded Lisa The Painful (simply listed as Lisa on Steam).
Love matters and it takes courage to work on painful areas — such as feeling lost and desperately wanting to get back to how things used to be, or arguing hurtfully, or living separate lives and no longer really talking, or being terribly hurt by something that's happened or is ongoing.
Nevertheless, your common sense is enough to tell you that it makes far better sense to attempt to keep those painful feelings in check rather than to give them free reign, which is what always happens when divorcing spouses turn to adversarial divorce proceedings and engage in legal warfare.
Difficult, painful, or confusing experiences can feel hard to make sense of alone, so having space to explore them in new ways and perspectives can help process and digest what is happening.
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