Sentences with phrase «painful infections»

Also, floppy ears means that dirt can build up and cause painful infections, so their ears need to be cleaned out every week.
For weeks he could eat only crackers, and he had two painful infections on his face that doctors feared he'd be unable to fight off.
If the bacterial infection is not detected in good time it can lead to serious problems such as joint inflammation and even very painful infections of the nerve roots resulting in paralysis or memory loss.
Keeping a dog's nails trimmed helps to prevent painful infection due to split or overgrown nails.
Periodontitis is where pockets of severe and painful infections develop within the mouth.
In 1986, the Guinea Worm, a parasite that can cause painful infections in people, infected 3.5 million people.
Mastitis occurs when the mammary glands inflame and harden, creating a very painful infection for the mother cat and causing symptoms such as a fever and listlessness.
Characterized by red, swollen patches of skin that ooze, give off a strong odor, and become hairless, hot spots can occur anywhere on your pet's body and often appear in multiples.These painful infections are caused when your pet engages in excessive licking, chewing, or scratching to try to soothe areas of skin that are irritated by fleas, mites, or other skin parasites, improper grooming, skin allergies, internal infections, or stress.
What looks like a minor skin wound with matted hair can actually be a serious and painful infection once the hair is removed.
Periodontal disease is a chronic and painful infection of the mouth, affecting more than 85 percent of dogs and cats over four years of age, and if left untreated, it is progressive.
Excess wax and hair is removed during ear cleaning to prevent painful infections or annoying ear mites.
Just like us, dogs carry many kinds of bacteria — and sometimes, this can spread from a pooch to their owner's urinary tract, causing painful infections
Lorrick adds mothers who must pump daily and have access to a high - quality pump are less likely to suffer from plugged ducts and mastitis, a painful infection that leads to missed time at work.
Mastitis is a painful infection of the milk ducts within the breast.
So, what can a new mother do to treat this painful infection?
According to the Mayo Clinic, mastitis is a painful infection of breast tissue, which can be caused by a blocked milk duct or bacteria entering the breast.
Mastitis is a painful infection marked by breast soreness, aches, and fever.
Lisa contracted a painful infection, and it took more than a month for her wound to close.
«Sometimes the implant has to be removed entirely to treat a painful infection and they require multiple surgeries.
But new treatments for these painful infections and other diseases could be on the horizon, now that researchers have figured out how bacteria create those sticky fibers.
The blisters weep, crust over, and crack, exposing the skin to painful infection.
It's possible that a diet rich in asparagus could prevent these painful infections from developing, since going to the bathroom more frequently can help move bad bacteria out of the urinary tract.
This commonly occurs in swimmers (thus the name) because they spend more time in the water and have more moisture in the ear than most people, but this type of painful infection can occur in anyone.
One way to prevent the irritating and painful infection: Make plenty of pit stops when you're roadtripping.
Tugging at the stitches may cause it to reopen, which could lead to painful infections.
For example, when scratching turns into an obsessive behavior, the skin becomes damaged, causing yeast to grow, leading to painful infections.
Periodontal disease is a chronic and painful infection of the mouth, and if left untreated, it is progressive.
It is a nasty and painful infection.
UTIs are painful infections that give dogs an urgent and frequent need to urinate.
Don't neglect it thinking it will go away; often times pups will continue to scratch until they scratch their skin raw, causing a painful infection.
The store's «isolation room» was a shocking sight — filled with sick puppies suffering from, among other things, breathing problems, bloody diarrhea, painful infections, and high fevers.
You might not even know your dog has a splinter in their mouth until they're not eating or drinking a few days later and they've got a painful infection brewing.
If your pet's anal glands have become impacted, they may need to be emptied manually to prevent a painful infection.
In addition, the dog with an enlarged prostate is at high risk of developing prostatitis, a painful infection of the prostate that can be as life - threatening as appendicitis in humans.
When the licking or scratching causes a break in the skin, a painful infection develops.
Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease is a progressive and painful infection of the tissue surrounding the teeth.
Built up tartar pushes the gum line, forming pockets where bacteria can invade and cause a painful infection.
Air does not circulate through the ear canal, and bacteria and wax can lead to painful infections.
There is no joy more heartwarming than watching my twelve - year - old rescued Italian Greyhound — who was locked in a cage for nine years and all of whose teeth had to be removed due to painful infection — manically gum a bully stick for hours in sheer bliss.
If your cat eats large amounts of plant foods, their urine may become alkaline This can encourage dangerous bacterial growth in the bladder, which can result in painful infections, crystals, and other unpleasant (and expensive) conditions.
By opening up the ear area the canal becomes less hospital for these painful infections.
Without proper dental care, your pet may suffer from gingivitis, periodontal disease, and painful infections that can even affect other organs.
Over time, the cows become lame, crippled by the weight of their udders, and suffer from mastitis, a painful infection to which many nursing humans can relate with a shiver.
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