Sentences with phrase «painful injections»

No one knew that she had 90 min before she had to get home for another timed painful injection.
Standard gene - regulation therapies require painful injections to flip a genetic on - off switch.
No need for painful injections or the more extreme measures some people take as they get older.
When you take the oral form, you know that you don't have to worry about painful injections, the potential for mistakes or prescriptions that may be difficult to get.
Zubieta and colleagues initially worked with 14 healthy volunteers who were told they would receive painful injections of a saline (benign saltwater) solution in their jawbones.
Antibiotics and steroids are administered, followed by at least 60 days in which the dog must receive a series of painful injections into the muscle.
They have all the same properties and benefits of Stanozolol, but you don't have to worry about getting a prescription, violating the laws or making painful injections into your body.
During the presentation of this new medical alternative, medical pharmaceutical manager at Merck who developed this liquid growth hormone, Juan Omar Toledo Román commented that for parents of children with low stature is frustrating to subject them to painful injections of the growth hormone.
In 2007, his lab observed that mice spend less time licking a painful injection — a sign that they're hurting — when a person is nearby, even if that «person» is a cardboard cutout of Paris Hilton.
A paper Young published this month, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, found prairie voles that have bonded with a mate not only experience more anxiety when separated from their partners — they also experience more physical pain during the separation, by various measures including response to a painful injection and pain from heat.
You don't have to opt for expensive pills, painful injections or illegal supplements.
This is a painful injection with a painful substance, and it is common for the patient to be quite sore at home afterwards.
In dogs, treatment involves several medications, absolute strict rest, and painful injections to kill the worms.
Your pet might also be quite sore and stiff for a few days due to the painful injection.
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