Sentences with phrase «painful lesions at»

Many cats get painful lesions at the gum line that invade teeth.
Many cats get painful lesions at the gum line, which invade teeth.
Many cats get painful lesions at the gum line that invades the teeth.
Many cats get painful lesions at the gum line that invade the teeth.

Not exact matches

At this point the lesion is painful to touch, and many dogs will require sedation just to clip and clean the wound to allow topical treatment.
Furuncles are usually painful, and the dog may be obviously lame on the affected foot (or feet) and lick and bite at the lesions.
Apart from periodontal disease, more than 50 percent of felines have at least one feline odontoclastic resorption lesion (FORL) by the time they are 3 years old.2 Like human cavities, they are extremely painful and can cause difficulty in eating.
Arthritis — If the joints in the area of the lesion are painful, dogs will often lick at them as a way to relieve pain.
Kitties are really good at hiding dental disease like resorptive lesions, which are kind of like painful kitty cavities.
An article in DVM Newsmagazine cites research showing that cats that develop painful «neck lesions» (dental cavities at the gum line; also called Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions, or FORLs) have significantly higher blood levels of Vitamin D than cats wholesions» (dental cavities at the gum line; also called Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions, or FORLs) have significantly higher blood levels of Vitamin D than cats whoLesions, or FORLs) have significantly higher blood levels of Vitamin D than cats who don't.
-- Itchy, painful patch of skin — Continual chewing or licking at site — Abnormal aggression (associated with painfulness of site)-- Possible depression (associated with painfulness of site)-- Inflammation, redness, and swelling in a localized patch of skin — Crusted scabs or oozing sores — Dry scaly skin — Hair loss — Moist, matted fur — Foul odor from lesion
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