Sentences with phrase «painful place»

To be really good in either, you have to stand in solidarity with folks through all the crazy, ridiculous and even painful places in life.
What is clear is that the most painful place to be in the relationship is when one of the partners is unsure about whether to stay in the marriage.
It is often a very painful place that can be difficult to share with another person.
It did not leave me — simply took me outside the institutions and written theologies into a still puzzling and painful place where I sometimes had to make the same hard choices.
Killmonger may be mad with anger, but his volatility comes from painful places, ones which Coogler and Joe Robert Cole's mostly well - tuned screenplay is hardly afraid to explore.
Underlying health issues may cause painful urination that cats mistakenly associate with their litter box, leading them to seek new, less painful places to do their business, Price says.
Speaking of the potential to shoot oneself in the foot (and other more painful places), and probably more than just the potential unless we're all very careful, everybody here should consider the implications of the SCC's decision, Friday, in Bruker v Moscovitz 2007 SCC 54.
When you are waiting for your partner to tell you one way or the other, that limbo state is the most painful place of all.
How to expand mutual empathy by teaching partners how to «visit» each other's emotional neighborhoods and better understand even the most painful places in their psyches
The nostril, the lips, and the shaft of the penis: Those are the most painful places to be stung by a honey bee.
You're in a great but painful place.
Our here is where we have to start, but it is also often a place that is hard to love, a painful place, embarrassing, polluted, threatening.
It touches some of the painful and dark places in your life, and through the exercise of getting it out on «paper» these painful places in your life begin to heal.
It's a painful place to be.
I have been in that dark and painful place.
Because I heard that that is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo!!
We wonder how hazers can think it is funny to violate a person's body by jamming objects in painful places.
If you're leery about pulling quills out of a dog yourself, if he has a large number of them, or if the quills are embedded in tricky or painful places (inside the dog's mouth, for instance), your pet will likely need sedation or even anesthesia and a long, slow removal process.
The most common signs of discomfort include vocalizations when touched in a painful place.
Yeah, it's a painful place to be.
What a painful place in which to be.
I have found my passion in working with teens and adults who find themselves in painful places, whether from traumatic experiences or from the inner voices of shame, and working together towards healing and peace.»
Are you feeling stuck in a painful place in your life?
Many couples struggle when they get stuck in this painful place.
This is a sad and painful place to be.
Lonely and painful places.
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