Sentences with phrase «painful side effects of»

In the meantime, thousands of people have suffered tendon ruptures and other painful side effects of fluoroquinolones.
Consumers today are looking for more natural therapies that do not display the painful side effects of many prescriptions offered for arthritis.
How can you avoid the painful side effects of weaning, such as engorging?
Once the acid has been released their body quickly absorbs it, thereby alleviating the painful side effects of the teething process by reducing the swelling of their gums and any fever they might have.
This will also help you avoid the painful side effect of engorgement.

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But the central bank support is probably having a benign side - effect - the softening of painful deleveraging.
Another side effect of sudden weaning is painful breasts.
The most immediate concern, of course, is the health of the babies — sitting in a dirty diaper for a long period of time puts babies at risk for painful skin irritations, rashes and infections that can bring potentially dangerous side effects.
One side effect of being on bed rest is for the mom to be to develop painful bed sores.
Painful cracked and bleeding nipples are not a normal side effect of breastfeeding.
Not all chemotherapy drugs are equally effective for all people, and finding the best treatment for an individual is a painful process of trial and error that wastes time and exposes patients to toxic side effects.
Although maximizing cancer removal is critical to improve patient survival, removing too much healthy tissue can also have profound negative consequences for patients: For example, breast cancer patients could experience higher risk of painful side effects and nerve damage, in addition to aesthetic impacts.
In fact, «it also opens the way to using drugs that block the NMDA receptor — another regulator of neuronal excitability leading to hypersensitivity in painful processes — and to avoiding the serious side effects resulting from their high toxicity — sedation, nausea, dissociative reactions, behaviour modification, etc. — nowadays induced by these drugs,» argues Hipólito.
«Currently, these can be achieved by means of a direct injection into the tumour or by administering a large dosage of anticancer drugs, which can be painful, expensive, impractical and might have various side effects
In extreme cases, those patients end up with severe complications, chronic and painful side effects, and may even die of GVHD.»
This interrupts the absorption of vitamins and minerals and can ignite a range of painful side effects.
In addition to possible side effects or practitioner error (leaving you with weeks to months of uneven smiles, droopy lids or worse...), many people complain that it is painful and expensive.
Surgical mesh products made by Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and Boston Scientific Corp. (BSX) to correct falling pelvic organs in women should be immediately recalled because of painful side effects, a watchdog group said.
Unfortunately, the pill comes with a host of undesirable side effects that include, gut / digestive problems, Amenorrhea (no periods), lack of ovulation, mild to severe acne, thyroid dysfunction, mild to severe mood disorders, disruptive food cravings, low to non-existent sex drive, lack of vaginal lubrication, painful sex, thinning of the vaginal tissue and weight gain or inability to lose weight, just to name a few.
Unlike medications that are used to prevent heartworm in dogs, the medications that are used to kill an advanced stage heartworm infection carry a higher rate of potential side effects, can be painful for the dog and are costly to the owner.
Based on the severity of the impact, the soft tissue of the neck, shoulders and upper back may be damaged, resulting in painful side effects for weeks and months following the accident.
Are you suffering from the painful, serious side effects of a transvaginal mesh implant, also known as a pelvic mesh implant or bladder sling?
Patients can suffer painful side effects, unforeseen surgeries, and other complications as a result of a malfunctioning device.
The side effects of any neck or back injury can be so painful and debilitating it is possible that sufferers will be unable to carry out typical daily activities or continue working.
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