Sentences with phrase «pair of students»

Use the kit with one student or a collaborative pair of students.
Pull sticks from your fairness cup (see # 6) to choose pairs of students to present their thoughts to the class.
Then join pairs of students into groups of four, have them combine their data and create a chart to show the new results.
Whether this collaboration is done among pairs of students, small groups, or the entire class, do not settle for mere cooperation.
With each repeat of the game, you will eliminate more pairs of students.
They do this with many pairs of students or «twins» to curb selection bias and make a better comparison between the two school types.
I noted that during these first 10 days, six pairs of students left the peace corner seeming to feel validated and with their issues resolved.
The design of the PALS program incorporates a classwide pairing of students who take turns acting as tutors during reading activities and give each other immediate corrective feedback.
The researchers tracked down pairs of students in public spaces — the student union or the cafeteria — and asked them to fill out a questionnaire designed to measure a wide swath of social attitudes, behaviors and values that might matter in a friendship.
Invite pairs of students to pick one of the first ladies (see images) to research.
Pairs of students complete different worksheets of 8 problems with the same solution.
We introduced Book Creator and asked pairs of students to choose some aspect of their culture to write about.
Character in a Bag Miranda Babin, who teaches at Southdown Elementary School in Houma, Louisiana, created this lesson in which pairs of students use clues from a paper bag to cooperatively develop a mystery character and produce a PowerPoint about the character.
At the same time the first pair of students is working on Problem 1, the second pair works on Problem 2, the third pair works on Problem 3, etc..
Your goal is to win the Phoenix Festa, a tournament fought between pairs of students.
Assign pairs of students or small groups to present a short infomercial about their invention, pretending that their audience is from ancient China and this is a new product.
(If pair of students, earphone jack splitter will be used to attach 2 sets of headphones to each.)
The group was welcomed by Principal Simon Rodberg and taken on tours of the building by pairs of student ambassadors.
Pairs of students take turns tutoring each other to reinforce concepts and skills initially taught by the teacher.
Right now, pairs of students play out each scenario as John and Eliza, typing in requests or responses to questions.
Pair Reading Pairs of students work together on this exercise.
Give the facing pairs of students two minutes to share their 60 - second oral «biographies.»
At the outset, you might use a large set of arrow cards for whole class demonstrations, while pairs of students assemble numbers using smaller sets.
By comparing pairs of students right around the cutoff, we can estimate the effect of being the lowest - achieving child in the class compared to being the highest - achieving student in the class.
dictionaries (one per pair of students), paper, pens or pencils, teacher - made work sheets that list words beginning with different letters of the alphabet, answer key
Nonetheless, the study's randomized pairings of students and teachers provide an excellent opportunity to do so.
Pairs of students measured the area and perimeter of the schoolyard in meters.
Pairs of students circulated between them, scrawling their answers on the post-its, while commenting on the solutions of their peers.
Pairs of students sit in a corner softly reading to one another, helping their partner with an occasional unfamiliar or mispronounced word.
Racial / ethnic pairing of students and college instructors in first - year STEM courses does not increase the likelihood of majoring in a STEM field.
You would then have a class activity for pairs of students that could be reused many times.
Tim then chose two pairs of students from the event to go to the front and perform an interview scenario in front of their colleagues — much like Georgia and James had done at the beginning of the session.
For nonlaptop days, Donnelly does traditional science lessons that include conducting a wet lab experiment with pairs of students working together; lecturing; and having students take notes, view video clips, and complete worksheets drawn from chapters in the textbook that are aligned with the state standards in biology.
Use the individual kit with one student or a collaborative pair of students.
Chef Mary Ellen started her class by going over the recipes in detail, and then a pair of students was assigned to cook each recipe.
The researchers compared scans from pairs of students to know how similar their responses were.
I assign a pair of students to use the Science Buddies website to find a related article that involves that topic.
By revealing evidence that contradicts the rationale for a new cancer drug, a pair of student scientists learns firsthand that when you do science...
When a psycho with a penitent for folk tales starts to lay waste to the student body of Pendleton College, a pair of students gets drawn into the mystery.
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