Sentences with phrase «pairs of black holes spiraling»

All four have come from pairs of black holes spiraling towards one another and then colliding, their colossal masses warping space - time as they merge.
The waves came from a pair of black holes spiraling together and colliding in space 1.3 billion light - years from Earth.
As pairs of black holes spiral together, heading towards a collision, they also spin on their own axes - like a pair of figure skaters spinning individually while also circling around each other.

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RIPPLE SIGHTING The cosmic dance of two black holes warped spacetime as the pair spiraled inward and merged, creating gravitational waves (illustrated).
The 1000 physicists working with LIGO have twice detected such waves emanating from a pair of massive black holes spiraling into each other.
The pair of black holes might then spiral around one another before merging to become one large black hole.
Gravitational waves are created by cosmic catastrophes such as a pair of black holes locked in a death spiral before finally merging in a burst of energy.
This will allow Advanced LIGO to look at the last minutes of life of pairs of massive black holes as they spiral closer, coalesce into one larger black hole, and then vibrate — much like two soap bubbles — to become one.
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