Sentences with phrase «paleo diet consists»

The standard / original paleo diet consists mainly of seafood, grass - fed pasture raised meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts.
While this concern is somewhat valid, the paleo diet consists of grass - fed beef.
The Paleo diet consists of eating wild and free range meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and some tubers.

Not exact matches

So far so good for me and while my diet normal consists of clean low carb and paleo eating, I had indulged on a little too many grain free treats over the holidays.
Centered on pre-agricultural foods, the «contemporary» Paleolithic diet consists mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, paleo diet recipes, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, Paleo Chicken Salad and processed paleo diet recipes, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, Paleo Chicken Salad and processed Paleo Chicken Salad and processed oils.
The Paleolithic and Paleo Diet Recipes (also popularly referred to as the caveman diet) is a nutritional plan based on the ancient diet of paleolithic man that consisted namely of wild plants and animals.
The Paleo diet patients I saw in my practice weren't consisting on weeds and eating 100 grams of fiber a day.
The typical «Paleo» diet consists of 65 % of calories being derived from animal products, which is far more than is healthy.
My paleo diet (a little less than a year) heretofore consisted of a lot of fatty cuts of grass - fed lamb, perhaps ungodly amounts of (usually clarified) pasture butter, at least two pastured eggs per day, half a pound of spinach per day, and enough potato to replete my glycogen stores.
It consists of three stages, the first being a six step introduction diet; the second stage is Full GAPS — a Paleo - style grain free, refined sugar free, commercial dairy free diet; the third stage is introducing fermented grains and healthy starches such as sweet potatoes.
Cordain says a true Paleo diet must consist of 55 % animal foods.
I am willing to bet that a paleo diet would work even better since it would consist of organic foods, pastured animal products and more fat.
While the title of the diet causes some raised eyebrows, the paleo diet food list consists of fish, grass - fed meets, fresh fruits and vegetables, roots... Read More»
Therefore, I decided to increase my carbohydrate intake, returning to a more moderate Paleo diet that consists of some fruit, starchier vegetables and legumes.
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