Sentences with word «paleoenvironment»

One of the earliest paleoenvironments of the Turkana basin was the Apak flood plain of the Pliocene epoch.
The results provide direct evidence in support of a forested southern Greenland and suggest that many deep ice cores may contain genetic records of paleoenvironments in their basal sections.
Capturing the full picture of the mid-Pliocene's doppelganger climate requires reconstructing the whole Arctic paleoenvironment from sparse bits of remains.
Halfway through his Ph.D., Chave's adviser met some ecologists investigating paleoenvironments in Africa and South America.
Stratigraphy also provides clues to the ancient paleoenvironments these organisms encountered when they were alive.
Olduvai Gorge: a case history in the interpretation of hominid paleoenvironments in East Africa.
Cohen has been studying the paleoenvironment of Lake Tanganyika and the surrounding region for decades.
So when we look back, we need to reimagine the paleoenvironment.
It is difficult to obtain fossil data from the 10 % of Earth's terrestrial surface that is covered by thick glaciers and ice sheets, and hence, knowledge of the paleoenvironments of these regions has remained limited.
Now, a French team coordinated by María - Fernanda Sánchez - Goñi, a researcher at EPHE [1] working in the «Oceanic and Continental Environments and Paleoenvironments» Laboratory (CNRS / Universités Bordeaux 1 & 4)[2] has solved this paradox.
I am working towards my thesis reconstructing the paleoenvironment of a site at Olduvai Gorge.
Wayne Goodfellow, PhD (Earth Science), Ocean Evolution, Paleoenvironments, Adjunct Professor, Senior Research Scientist, University of Ottawa, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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