Sentences with word «palin»

A different iteration of Sarah Palin in sheep's clothing.
There's also Jeffrey Tambor as Georgy Malenkov, the conceited buffoon who is the dictator's deputy; the great Simon Russell Beale as chief of Soviet security and known rapist / murderer Lavrentiy Beria; Python's own Michael Palin as Vyacheslav Molotov, whose wife was imprisoned for treason with his permission; and the sidesplitting Jason Isaacs as Georgy Zhukov, the leader of Russia's military.
The landing page itself is disappointing, by contrast — it has some decent photos and clips of Palin in action, but the bio is long and book - reportish, and the overall effect feels lacking.
Pawlenty, to his credit, seems to understand that he started behind people like Romney, Huckabee and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in terms of name identification among party activists and has seemingly been everywhere over the past few months trying to rectify that problem.
No equal justice for Palin from media.
I don't agree with Andrea on a lot of things and I don't agree with Sarah Palin on a lot of things.»
we get it, you don't like palin.
I wonder what books on Theology and Christian core belief he has read to shape his Christian faith, a question any interviewer could have asked but have avoided, unlike what Katie Couric had done with Palin about her reading materials.
They're already talking about Palin for 2012.
As Sarah Palin said, «while we recognize the occurrence of these natural, cyclical environmental trends, we can't say with assurance that man's activities cause weather change».
No word yet from Palin on whether she'll be backing Hoffman again this fall.
I'm a little unclear on the details, but this sounds exactly like what Sarah Palin did as Governor... and then she ran for Vice President of the USA!?!
(While the evangelicals may think Palin walks on water, I don't think she's enough of a draw to turn any of this around.)
Actually no, not just the private jet for Ms. Palin, she also could through in the thousands upon thousands she demands for every speech she makes.
A writer for The Atlantic openly questioned whether or not Palin's four - month - old baby, who has Down's Syndrome, was actually hers.
In August, Morano told former Alaska Governor Sara Palin, who also rejects climate change science, that he would uncover the true agenda, saying: «Centrally planning economies.
The cash haul came the same day former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin made a surprise endorsement in the race, voicing her support of Hoffman over the Republican Party's nominee, Dede Scozzafava.
I wonder how God felt when Palin lied about the provisions of the govt health care bill that would heal the sick, healing the sick is what Christ did.
Borough President Scott Stringer also fired back at Palin via Twitter on Monday, saying «@SarahPalinUSA NYers support the #mosque in the name of tolerance and understanding.
Especially the one made by Mrs. Palin.
Former New York City Mayor Giuliani said Sunday that former Alaska Gov. Palin got a positive reception even in a Democratic stronghold like New York.
Sarah Palin campaigned with Maness Saturday.
To them, the prodigious Palin family is surely seen as taking more than its fair share.
While Palin set up a sub-Cabinet office to map out the state's response to global warming as governor, and sought federal dollars to help coastal communities threatened by erosion, she has been steadfast in saying human beings are not responsible for climate change and that proposals to limit pollution threaten the economy.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorses Republican Donald Trump for president in Ames, Iowa, on Tuesday.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin told a crowd recently that efforts to include the polar bear on the endangered species list are based on «these global warming studies that now we're seeing (is) a bunch of snake oil science.»
Zip and Zoe usually see Dr. Palin who is very patient, kind and caring.
Another echo of recent history: when Sarah Palin went after Obama and his supporters in her 2008 Republican convention acceptance speech, the Democrats raised $ 10 million almost instantly, with money flowing in before they'd even had time to get out an email.
The two candidates Palin backed in Tuesday's primaries lost their bids, making the former Alaska governor 0 - for - 5 when it comes to endorsements this month.
Former US vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin claimed opinion polls were «only useful for strippers and cross-country skiers».
Whatever Mrs. Palin wrote to her family / friends is none of our business.
Remember how the Republican machine exploded in defense of Palin against such a vicious attack?
But the district, won by the McCain - Palin ticket just two years ago, is GOP country.
Dr. Palin lives in Upper Makefield with her husband, Jim, and their two beautiful children, Monica and Jimmy.
Instadocket was developed by William Palin, the Massachusetts lawyer who won first prize at the ABA's inaugural Hackcess to Justice for his iOS app, PaperHealth, and who also developed the app PaperWork, which enables family law attorneys in Massachusetts to create PDF family law forms.
But good old folks like Sarah Palin want to butt their noses into it.
And now Sara Palin announces she's not going to seek reelection in Alaska.
I think we could have won with Romney but wasn't going to vote for McCain at all until Palin came on the ticket.
When asked about it, Piper said, «I personally think that it would have been better for [Palin] to stay at home with her disabled child — both for the good of the family and as a model for moms.
Governor Palin supports the Pebble Mine, upstream from the largest wild salmon runs on the planet.
Michael Palin asked that question nearly 40 years ago on «Monty Python's Flying Circus,» and it's as germane as ever in considering the merits and drawbacks to blogging, and particularly the comment strings following posts.
Although Palin gave the McCain campaign some instant buzz, she failed to provide the genuine lift it needed.
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