Sentences with word «palliation»

Steroid drugs such as prednisolone or prednisone will give short - term palliation for up to a few months.
Balloon valvuloplasty is most commonly done for palliation of a birth defect of the pulmonic valve that prevents this valve from opening normally.
It can help arthritis, liver disease, nerve paralysis, and even help with palliation in cancer.
In a recent issue of The New Yorker, the melancholy Jonathan Franzen argued that, since earth now «resembles a patient whose terminal cancer we can choose to treat either with disfiguring aggression or with palliation and sympathy,» we should stop trying to avoid the inevitable and spend our money on new nature preserves, where birds can go extinct a little more slowly.
Steroid drugs such as prednisolone will give short - term palliation for up to a few months.
In patients with distant spread, treatment is aimed at palliation (making patients more comfortable).
«Patients with devastating side effects of the single - ventricle palliation process, such as protein - losing enteropathy, endure frequent trips to the bathroom, and their bodies lose essential protein.
As you know, too much in medicine these days is just palliation, just covering up symptoms and slowing their downward spiral into disease and disability.
Palliation Palliative RT is most frequently recommended for patients with advanced cancers or tumors that can not be resected.
If there is no cure available, then the goal is known as palliation which is to keep your dog comfortable.
In these cases the purpose of dog cancer treatment is to focus on maintaining a dog's quality of life (this is called palliation).
Therefore, it is the responsibility of the pet owner to consult with a veterinarian regarding any decisions around palliation and / or euthanasia.
Interventional gastroenterology including endoscopic ultrasound, ERCP, treatment of esophageal varices, and placement of endobiliary stents for palliation in patients with advanced biliary cancers
They would have the palliation of the Medicare hospice benefit extended beyond its currently defined beneficiaries (terminally ill people expected to live six months or less).
Morality is reduced to «the palliation of whatever humans themselves regard as the cause of their suffering or deprivation.»
There is therefore a serious need for amelioration, palliation and correction.
Very high doses are often required in palliation to improve the patients» terminal quality - of - life.
The researchers therefore looked at possible indicators of tumor burden, including direct measurements such as lactate dehydrogenase and the number or volume of metastases, or indirect evidence such as leaving the primary tumor in place or if the goal of treatment was palliation.
Interventional Radiology procedures for palliation (life quality improvement and prolongation) in oncology practice - overview of European and US guidelines.
Indications for radiation therapy (RT) include the primary treatment of specific tumor types, such as nasal tumors and brain tumors, adjuvant treatment of incompletely excised tumors, and palliation to improve quality of life for patients with non-resectable or advanced cancers.
Therefore, the goal of therapy for these animals is palliation (relieve of symptoms and possibly prolong life, without providing a cure).
Palliation or palliative care seeks to minimize pain and reduce any functional difficulties such as urination and swallowing.
Vaccination against feline herpes has been deemed helpful but one should understand that, in this case, the goal is not total prevention of infection but palliation.
Treatment options may include radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, cryotherapy, or palliation and nursing care.
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