Sentences with phrase «palm oil in this recipe»

You can substitute palm oil in this recipe which has the same benefits as beef tallow.

Not exact matches

That said, if the use of palm oil is an issue and coconut oil is not an issue for your allergies, you can most definitely substitute it in this recipe.
Palm oil is traditionally used in this recipe, but it is very high in fat.
I couldn't see if palm shortwning could be substituted... particularly for grapeseed oil in this recipe because in some of your recipes you have palm shortening OR grapeseed oil.
Anyway, wanted to tell you that I've started subbing out the grapeseed oil for coconut oil in these and have long been using homemade coconut palm sugar syrup in place of agave in ALL of your recipes, including your peanut sauce and other similar ones.
There was a bottle of red palm oil sitting in my pantry that I wanted to use up as there wasn't much in there left — enough for a single recipe.
But you could also easily swap in palm shortening or coconut oil in this recipe.
I tested this doughnut recipe with both coconut oil and palm shortening and found that coconut oil was far superior in this recipe.
I use coconut oil in place of palm shortening in every recipe and it works just as well in this one.
Also I was wondering if you thought the palm shortening could be substituted for coconut oil or if I could diminish the oil in the recipe and replace maybe with more applesauce...?
So quick question: Could I use coconut oil instead of palm shortening in the Paleo Thin Mint recipe (and others)?
I sub coconut oil for palm shortening in just about all recipes.
In home soap making, tallow is commonly used in laundry bars and can be used in the place of palm oil in soap recipes, as the properties of the two oils give the same results in a soap baIn home soap making, tallow is commonly used in laundry bars and can be used in the place of palm oil in soap recipes, as the properties of the two oils give the same results in a soap bain laundry bars and can be used in the place of palm oil in soap recipes, as the properties of the two oils give the same results in a soap bain the place of palm oil in soap recipes, as the properties of the two oils give the same results in a soap bain soap recipes, as the properties of the two oils give the same results in a soap bain a soap bar.
Anyway, wanted to tell you that I've started subbing out the grapeseed oil for coconut oil in these and have long been using homemade coconut palm sugar syrup in place of agave in ALL of your recipes, including your peanut sauce and other similar ones.
Earth Balance has palm oil which is not ok in my book — I use coconut oil in all my recipes and have never had an issue with it
For those that like to know about substitutions — I always use honey instead of agave nectar and did so here; I did use grapeseed oil here because it was the first time and I wanted to not vary the recipe the first time much but I will use coconut or palm oil next time as they seem to work fine in the other recipes I've tried so far from this blog.
«Our new recipe uses only sustainably harvested organic palm fruit oil in place of the processed egg and butter substitutes we were using previously,» says Dan Holtz, Liz Lovely's vice president of sales, in a press release.
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