Sentences with phrase «palpable affection for»

With a palpable affection for his characters and their slowly unfolding stories, Reynolds writes with subtle humor and an ear for the apt simile (blind Grandpop's eyes are «like fogged - up windows») as he crafts one memorable scene after another.
Yet what raises the film above mere prurience is the fine sense of detail in all other aspects as well, from the gothic and mechanical decor and costumes and palpable affection for the sexual desires of his characters.
His palpable affection for his characters — always one of his most admirable traits — morphs into a kind of pathological emotional neediness.
Both gentlemen have a palpable affection for the kitsch factor at work here, the energy of working on the edge with a low budget, and for the rush of seeing something so bad that it's good, but only one of them can pull off the homage.
Director James Chressanthis directs with palpable affection for the two men, which is no surprise; a cinematographer himself, he apprenticed under both men, who were teachers as well as industry professionals.
Like its hero, the movie is uniquely American, and its palpable affection for the landscape — both geographic and cultural — can make your heart swell.
These actors have a firm playful grasp and a palpable affection for their characters» befuddled dignity and attraction.

Not exact matches

Though often pigeonholed as a horror purist, West is first and foremost an astute student of genre in general, and his affection for the Western is palpable in every frame.
Their rapport is effortless and their affection and attraction for one another palpable.
; everyone in «Boyhood» — Linklater's affection for the people he presents is palpable, and it's that graceful humanity that keeps «Last Flag Flying» from descending into melodrama.
The affection that people feel for their pets is real and palpable.
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