Sentences with phrase «panache on»

The presumption of Climate Change puts a panache on the explicit redistribution to the poor from the Bariloche model.
From global fashion labels to coffee machines, pasta, shoes and cars, Italian goods are exported around the world, conferring a certain panache on consumers.

Not exact matches

When he wasn't busy navigating world events, he was adding some panache to the Washington social scene, often appearing at political fetes with Jon Lovett, a former Obama speechwriter and a co-creator of «1600 Penn.» Still, despite his waggish social - media presence, he is guarded about his private life, suggesting a persona more carefully calibrated than he lets on.
Moreover, for a certain kind of writer on the left, ideas must bear a revolutionary panache, and there is a frisson of defiance in taking one's stance with, say, the Druids of old (reinvented and sanitized, to be sure, without, for instance, the burning of human sacrifices).
He put together a team so well connected with one another they rarely even thought about their opponents.They only concentrated on themselves, such was the confidence in their blend of power and panache.
He seems to sacrifice some early possessions in the name of figuring out what he can get away with later on, and when it is time to hit the accelerator, Oregon does it with panache.
On the surface, Newcastle's squad is largely made up of Championship quality players, however despite a shaky start on their return to the Premier League, experienced boss Rafa Benitez has handled his side with a real panache that highlights why he was such a coup for the Tyneside club in the first placOn the surface, Newcastle's squad is largely made up of Championship quality players, however despite a shaky start on their return to the Premier League, experienced boss Rafa Benitez has handled his side with a real panache that highlights why he was such a coup for the Tyneside club in the first placon their return to the Premier League, experienced boss Rafa Benitez has handled his side with a real panache that highlights why he was such a coup for the Tyneside club in the first place.
The clash of two irresistible forces did not fail to disappoint as the Catalan giants brought their flair and panache to the Emirates on Wednesday evening.
Get the same style and panache by choosing the black edition; save a bundle over the black / pink / white style — or split the difference on the black and white polka dot version.
According to the governor, on the road to victory, the World Golden Eaglets played beautiful football, with a lot of panache couched in clinical ruthlessness that made football looked simple but interesting
Whether they're heirloom pieces (like some of these) or new, a brooch will definitely add panache to any outfit you place it on.
Slip on a pair of pretty boot toppers to add pizazz and panache to your cold weather look.
Don't even get me started on how each piece adds such panache styled individually...
Head out for a quick bite in a pair of casual shorts and throw on a Nike sweatshirt to complete your look with panache.
You'll have all week to participate, the winners will be randomly selected at midnight on December 6th and announced on December 9th on Preppy Panache and contacted via email.
Printed on soft linen, the Softlines Molly Ikat 84 - Inch Window Curtain Panel is bursting with style and panache.
On the subject of my smalls, the award for best supporting artist in this outfit goes to my Panache strapless bra.
Emphasis on dinners and events for mature singles aged 30 to 55 years -LCB- more details for Panache Singles. -RCB-
It asks us to join in on the fun, and with Waititi at the helm, it's hard not to be swayed by the humor and panache.
LL does DEFinition with a superstar panache that never gets into that dangerously cheesy Will Smith territory and keeps it streetwise without putting on a front.
If the film has only one note to play, it plays it with a certain slapstick panache, landing closer to Reservoir Dogs than The Boondock Saints on the quality spectrum of movies about loquacious lowlifes with itchy trigger fingers.
Michael Pitt is cast against type as molecular biologist Dr. Ian Gray (those eyeglasses rest on his face with the same kind of seriousness panache they bring to Rick Perry).
Unquestionably the definitive version of Team Ninja's flamboyant fighter, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate repurposes the panache of its predecessor — and pops a glazed cherry on top.
The majority of tunes on offer here do very little to build on the ideas and panache exposed on Soft Control.
The old man fears his land will be confiscated by King John (Oscar Isaac), Richard's vain, tax - happy younger brother (essentially a lightweight riff on the insecure Commodus Joaquin Phoenix played with such reptilian panache in «Gladiator») and so asks Crowe to move in and assume his son's identity.
Seemingly on the other side of his sensational performance as Alex (A Clockwork Orange, cross-reference below), Malcolm McDowell flashes through his role as vampire exterminator Eddie van Helsing with style and panache that never seeks the spotlight of camp.
On some level, it feels ungrateful to ask a movie that already does the impossible to do it with more panache.
Based on one of the early cases taken up by future Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall when he was working for the NAACP, the film proceeds without much subtlety, though with a filigree of witty dialogue and Chadwick Boseman's panache as the wry, natty young attorney.
Vaughn, Guy Ritchie's producer on LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS (1998), SNATCH (2000) and SWEPT AWAY (2002)-- matches Connolly's drunk - on - words panache with a rapid - fire succession of arresting images, effortlessly gliding from woozy cool to high - voltage brutality.
Having made her name on the small screen in Spanish period drama, La Señora, Adriana Ugarte, who plays the young Julieta, transfers to the silver screen with panache and an elegant ease.
Written and directed with auteur - ish panache by Gideon Raff (who also exec - produced on Homeland), Prisoners of War - or Hatufim in Hebrew - is less the labyrinthine thriller, more a skilful and probing analysis of loss and separation.
This is a film full of twists, turns, incredulity, and intrigue, evolving into a master class in misleads, narrative leaps, flashbacks, panache, and put - ons in an airtight plot that overflows with deceit.
Indulgent, sweet, and staged with all the visual panache of a sitcom (albeit a sitcom shot on 35 mm by Martha Marcy May Marlene cinematographer Jody Lee Lipes), the film doesn't find the Knocked Up director stepping forward or sideways so much as rocking a new wardrobe and standing in place.
Riffing on Jacques Deray's 1969 film La Piscine, A Bigger Splash pursues this death - of - Europe narrative with a level of bawdy panache that belies the seriousness lurking beneath its polished veneer.
To his credit, he does manage to actually gain a few extra chuckles from his manic performance, but the weakness in the material eventually does show, and Mazursky's (Down and Out in Beverly Hills, Moscow on the Hudson) attempt at a throwback to the screwball comedies of the 1920s and 30s replaces wit and panache with fits of desperation.
The film, based on the novel «Dracula» by Bram Stoker, is directed with flair and panache by F.W. Murnau.
The films he co-directed with Gene Kelly (On the Town and Singin» in the Rain, see below) stand among the best musicals ever made, and his later films like Charade and Arabesque merged Hitchcockian thrills with 1960s comic panache in a way that no - one else really matched.
This raunchy look at growing up in a broken home hits all of the classic tropes with panache — living in the shadow of an older sibling, an absentee mother, nursing a crush on the high - school bad boy and the student - teacher friendship.
After the disastrous «Exorcist II», original «Exorcist» author William Peter Blatty came on board to both write and direct this entry, setting the series back on course with dazzling visual panache, even if the film wasn't a commercial hit.
Dominik directs with panache, relocating the story from Boston to a nameless, post-industrial Anytown (the film was shot in New Orleans, though you'd hardly know it) and setting the action in 2008, on the cusp of the financial collapse.
With the intention of tapping into a wider market outside of sports cars and large luxury saloons, the Ghibli is Maserati's take on a mid-sized Mercedes - Benz E-Class rival, but with a soupçon of Italian flair and panache thrown in.
The motivation for all this It's not often two 4.0 - litre «hot - vee» twin - turbo V8 all - wheel drive high - performance passenger cars arrive on - sale in Australia within months of each other boasting this stupendous level of price, performance and panache.
A carbon fiber finish on the instrument panel finishes out the dexterous cockpit with a touch of panache.
It isn't the most fun vehicle to drive on a curvy road, but it's packed to the gills with panache and prestige.
When the system is turned on, the twin acoustic lens speakers emerge silently and swiftly, adding a touch of theatre and technological panache that is the perfect complement to the DBS Volante.
Due to be unveiled at the World Series by Renault spectacular at Silverstone on the weekend of 4th and 5th July, the World Series by Renault special editions exude style and panache in an insurance - friendly package.
As the Mini is all about panache and lifestyle while the 1 - Series is yet to land on Indian soil, the A-Class has a golden opportunity to create a niche of its own by being a state - of - the - art hatchback and taking steps to becoming the segment leader.
Evoque appeals most to shoppers who place a premium on style and designer - label cachet over value and cargo functionality... and that goes double for the panache - over-practicality Convertible model.
Ultimately, the XE feels as good as a driver's car as the BMW 3 - series, and the Jaguar badge on the grille carries a panache that will make it stand out until the company's mass - market dreams come true.
Bennett, who started work on The Mothers nine years ago when she was seventeen, walks a high - wire act: treading complicated story arcs, maturing characters and voice and tone with impressive panache.
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