Sentences with phrase «pandemic flu»

"Pandemic flu" refers to a type of flu, or influenza, that spreads across a large geographic area, affecting people globally. It is a contagious illness that can cause severe health problems and can impact a large number of individuals at the same time. Full definition
Department of Defense (Biodefense) House: $ 900 million (including $ 430 million for BARDA and $ 420 million for pandemic flu vaccine development) Senate: $ 870 million (entirely for flu vaccine development)
The health secretary also announced the launch of a National Pandemic Flu Service in England this week, amid criticism that it is too - little - too - late.
The National Pandemic Flu Service provides internet and telephone assessment of symptoms.
Vaccination remains the most effective flu prevention strategy and a key element in pandemic flu preparedness.
To study the origins of the three 20th century pandemic flu viruses, Robert Webster of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, and his colleagues took DNA sequences of thousands of flu isolates dating back as far as the 1930s — as well as the 1918 strain — and fed them into models that calculate the most likely evolutionary relationships between them.
The long - running program conducts surveillance for potential pandemic flu strains in the wild and studies the factors that allow influenza viruses to spread.
And stopping smoking, losing excess weight and avoiding binge drinking will reduce your chances of getting the severe form of pandemic flu.
Future pandemic flu outbreaks would be ranked, like hurricanes, on a scale of 1 to 5, and school closures of up to three months would be recommended for more severe outbreaks, according to a planning guide released jointly last week by the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
FDA is implementing a new law that gives it the authority to regulate tobacco products, taking a key role in the approval of the planned H1N1 pandemic flu vaccine, revamping its food - safety approach, and trying to make the agency's workings more transparent.
Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin at Madison studied a hybrid flu virus made from the avian H5 and the human H1N1 pandemic flu of 2009.
Current strategies for pandemic flu preparedness include vaccination, antiviral drugs and antibiotics to treat pneumonia, which can set in after flu.
If we can focus our resources more effectively, we may be able to catch the next pandemic flu before it really gets going.»
Also, these yearly vaccines give us no protection at all against potential future pandemic flu
«There's no doubt we've got to focus on hemagglutinin» for developing pandemic flu vaccines, Webby says.
By contrast, 1 per cent of children admitted to hospital with pandemic flu in Australia died.
Governments have been stockpiling the antiviral drug oseltamivir as a defence against pandemic flu.
«We hope that in the future, this work will allow us to focus on certain strains of influenza virus and target our surveillance more narrowly so we have a better chance of identifying the next pandemic flu before it spreads.»
«Bird flu» is not the same thing as human pandemic flu.
All NHS organisations have pandemic flu plans in place.
More resources can be found online at, a one - stop access to U.S. Government 2009 H1N1 flu, avian and pandemic flu information.
All previous pandemic flu strains started off mild before becoming deadlier, so health authorities are taking the threat seriously.
Scientists try to track down how and why pandemic flu takes flight in an attempt to prepare for it
FOLLOWING an astonishing blunder that may have allowed a lethal pandemic flu strain to escape from the lab, researchers are calling for a higher level of security to be imposed on work with flu viruses.
Pandemic flu continues to threaten public health, especially in the wake of the recent emergence of an H7N9 low pathogenic avian influenza strain in humans.
Vaccines are successful in preventing pandemic flu and reducing the number of patients hospitalised as a result of the illness, a study led by academics at The University of Nottingham has found.
It's possible that the extent of similarity between strains influences whether two flu viruses can mix their genetic material to make a hybrid virus with the potential to explode into pandemic flu.
Pandemic flu occurs when flu strains from different species — birds and humans, or humans and pigs — genetically mix to make a new virus that spreads faster and makes people sicker than either strain alone.
The only other H1N1 pandemic flu known to date was the «Spanish» flu of 1918 that killed between 50 and 100 million people — 3 to 5 percent of the world's population.
«I think it's a very good paper,» says molecular biologist Brendon Hanson of the DSO National Laboratories in Singapore, because it suggests an «available option» for stalling pandemic flu.
The journal's new analysis fails to show drug is ineffective against seasonal flu, and the claims are irrelevant to pandemic flu anyway
«Published data from studies undertaken during the 2009 pandemic flu season showed it was a risk factor, but there weren't many studies investigating the association between weight and severity of acute respiratory illnesses in children or adults during other winter respiratory seasons,» Halvorson said.
About $ 420 million of the money would go to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response within the Department of Health and Human Services for developing and manufacturing vaccines to counter pandemic flu.
The results will help determine how to begin a fall 2009 pandemic flu vaccination program.
Can the state pandemic flu summits that were held in 2006 be broadcast?
Amid all the progress on this planet — declining losses from terrible diseases and war, rising literacy and the rest — there remain plenty of planet - scale risks requiring serious focus, from pandemic flu to centuries of locked - in climate change to, yes, collisions with space rocks.
Public health experts estimate that should a flu pandemic occur, 90 million people in the U.S. alone will become ill and over 200,000 may die as a result of a moderate pandemic flu scenario.
A special pandemic flu listserve e-mail exchange restricted to NMHC members also allows firms to discuss their preparations.
The National Multi Housing Council (NMHC) based in Washington, D.C. has created a Web - based pandemic flu resource center to help apartment companies plan for any possible emergency related to a flu outbreak.
A new study investigating the difference between the 1918 pandemic flu virus — which killed at least 50 million people — and a virus which kills but does not spread turned out to be two small mutations on the virus's surface.
«The National Pandemic Flu Service will give patients access to information and antivirals as quickly as possible,» health secretary Andy Burnham said.
Sir Liam denied the suggestion the National Pandemic Flu Service was excessive given the small numbers compared to that pandemic.
CLAIMS by the medical journal BMJ that there is insufficient evidence to justify the stockpiling of Tamiflu as a defence against pandemic flu have themselves been questioned.
Columbia University microbiologist Vincent Racaniello, who helped develop the first artificial virus in the 1980s, cites the stir created four years ago when nearly 5,000 labs seeking accreditation were mistakenly shipped vials of the 1957 pandemic flu strain as part of their test kits.
4 June Trust for America's Health, a D.C. - based advocacy group, issues «Pandemic Flu Preparedness: Lessons from the Frontlines.»
Research could help prevent millions of people from becoming infected with the next pandemic flu
H1N1 pandemic flu has not grown more severe but a minority of its victims become deathly ill and experts warn that cases could overwhelm hospitals
«Vaccines do work for pandemic flu, says study.»
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