Sentences with phrase «panes of glass does»

(Similarly, McQueen's tendency to suggest alienation by filming characters through panes of glass does little to advance on a trope from Douglas Sirk's All That Heaven Allows (1955), as Rainer Werner Fassbinder did in many of his 70s films.)

Not exact matches

Just like how I don't worry about getting hit by a bolt of lighting or having a pane of glass fall on me or how I don't worry about becoming a robbery victim.
The incident is obscured because it is seen through a dirty window, however the viewer does hear the brutality of the multiple strikes and see the blood that splatters on the glass pane as a result.
How do you put a Christmas tree safely on the roof of a car with a glass pane the size of Cleveland?
Needless to say, I also assumed that art was what an artist actually did, and did him - or herself — I don't think I ever heard my father utter the word «assistant» once in his whole life (much less studio assistant).1 Which of course meant that, considering the work's aforementioned scale and weight, I was regularly recruited to help him install his art (less often after I managed to break an expensive, exquisitely polished pane of glass).
There is also a misconception in the book's introduction about the strength of a greenhouse and the thickness of the glass panes, but this does not translate to the greenhouse effect.
Nor do greenhouse gases function as blanket or pane of glass.
A kilometer's thick layer of greenhouse gases doesn't conduct very well at all, unlike a thin pane of glass or polyethelene.
Yes, two panes of glass means fragility and fingerprints — lots of fingerprints — but I'm sure - handed and on an all - black device, the prints didn't bother me so much.
Using a basic design that takes two panes of glass and sandwiches between them a metal frame is hardly a new idea at this point, but it doesn't make it any less impressive when it's pulled off properly.
Each pane of glass is marked with a copper - encased X. And it does come with a LED flameless candle to shine some light on the dreariest of days.
It takes time to scrape the glass, but it also takes time to tape off each little pane of glass, so you pick which you'd rather do.
Since this won't be our forever house, I didn't want to invest in built ins so I bought a large mahogany bookcase with glass pane doors, (I think its kind of craftsman style) and a nice painting of the sea (another water lover here).
Three things that I put off because I just don't like to do them — changing lightbulbs where I need to climb up on a stepstool to do it; cleaning the ceiling fan blades because I have to stand on the bed to do it; and, like you, washing the windows because no matter how much I wash there is some damage in between the panes of glass, and they will never look clean.
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