Sentences with word «papal»

The word "papal" relates to the pope, who is the leader of the Catholic Church. It refers to anything that is associated with or related to the pope. Full definition
So, one wonders, what was the status and force of the doctrine of papal infallibility in the pre-1870 period?
John Boehner created a bipartisan group of congressional staffers to help with logistics for papal visit
Most every statement made by the bishops can be found in papal encyclicals that have been issued over the last hundred years.
In now pummelling Buhari in his periodic equivalent of papal encyclicals, Obasanjo is tacitly owning up to acute buyer's remorse, though he is too haughty to put it in those terms.
And the content of Luther's commits him further again against the principle of papal authority as neither established by Jesus of Nazareth nor an authority obligatory for all Christians to obey — the Russians, the Greeks and the Bohemians do without it.
For priests of this persuasion, both Küng's bold attack on papal infallibility in 1970 and his critical public assessment of the first year of the pontificate of John Paul II would be examples of bad judgment, bad timing and bad taste.
A huge security operation is being mounted to protect the pontiff during his four - day tour - the first papal state visit to Britain - bumping estimated costs beyond # 20 million ($ 31 million), with over half coming from government funds.
«New survey on Americans» views on papal encyclical on climate change: Catholics mirror non-Catholic Americans in key attitudes about global warming.»
When quizzed, the King confirmed that negotiations were ongoing between the Albuquerque papal office and his own regal office in Haslemere, Surrey.
While Russell Hittinger's piece is an informative outline on the historical sequence of papal documents on modernism and well points out that the Catholic Church's obeisance to king or nation is not the ideal (and hence not traditional).
First papal bull, I mean tweet: «I just ousted Cardinal Fibbonacci as mayor of the men's room on Foursquare.
He actually shun the official papal apartments and instead lives in a much more modest Vatican «hotel», hateful p r i c k
Henry's struggles with Rome led to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and establishing himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.»
In celebration of Japan Society's 110th anniversary, Hiroshi Sugimoto: Gates of Paradise charts the story of four Japanese boys, who were swept up in the tide of religion, commerce and politics during the first Global Age and sent to the princely and papal courts of Europe.
The last papal conclave and the election of the first Latin American Pope raised awareness of the Catholic Church's growing presence in Africa, but Asian Christianity was hardly mentioned at all.
Security measures in place for the «unprecedented challenge» of Pope Francis» visit to New York City this month will include screening checkpoints, airspace restrictions and a ban on balloons, selfie sticks and backpacks at papal events, federal and city officials said.
Got ta love the diplomatic immunity that comes with that opulent gold papal throne!
The Roman Catholic system of church governance, based on extra-biblical teachings such as papal primacy, resulted in severe abuses of religious freedom as the church was allied with the state.
And of course it was on her invitation that the Holy Father graced the United Kingdom with the first papal State Visit in our history.
A funny historical tidbit courtesy of David Morris, showing the exercise of papal power over wind power: «In Northern Europe, one of the earliest records of windmills were the ones in England recorded in 1185... Also, in 1191, records show that... Read More
In a recent papal document we read: The Christian message is not only «informative» but «performative.»
In these times of ecclesial controversy, Buttiglione's attempt to read Amoris Laetitia in continuity with the previous papal magisterium is commendable.
Protestants historically have matched every extravagant papal claim with an equally extravagant biblical claim.
The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday.
Benedict, 85, celebrated his last public papal Mass at St. Peter's Basilica on Ash Wednesday, which marked the beginning of Lent.
It had a short life between about 1890 and 1908, and then it was severely crushed by papal authority.
Here, the Holy Father took the opportunity to explain, once again, his choice of papal name, while using that exercise to make two important points.
One can only observe that it would be «nice» if Mr. Lowell had paid at least as much attention to the official papal address that undercut his view of Catholicism as he did to «the neither official nor semi-official» speech that supported it.
In Papal elections lavish bribery was common.
But the Pope's authority should not be impugned, and the friar should respect previous papal statements which had established Indulgences as a permitted pastoral and financial instrument.
Catholicism is dying in places where Papal decree is not seen as divine.
Explore the fascinating cities of Venice, Paris and Rome, and Avignon, with its imposing Papal Palace.
Why not ask, «Why are some American nuns incapable of following papal authority?»
Carafa tried unsuccessfully to recall Pole himself from his crucial role as Archbishop of Canterbury and papal legate in Mary Tudor's England, in order to burn him.
A worship service of mostly women was targeted in the St. Peter and St. Paul church, adjacent to the prominent St. Mark's Cathedral and papal residence of Pope Tawadros II, leader of the Coptic Orthodox community in Egypt and worldwide.
In upholding the prohibition against artificial methods of birth control, the encyclical dashed the hopes of many believers for a change in church teaching — hopes that had been raised when the National Catholic Reporter leaked the news that the lay and clerical members of the hand - picked papal commission studying the matter had voted decisively to support the limited use of artificial contraception within the context of marriage.
During the flight, they had a long conversation about the need to rethink the way in which Catholic education was conceptualised in the light of Benedict XV's recent papal interventions on the subject.
Accusations concerning his conduct during this period surfaced during the last papal transition in 2005, and some, like Hugh O'Shaughnessy writing in the Guardian in 2011, have singled him out for criticism, decrying that «what one did not hear from any senior member of the Argentine hierarchy was any expression of regret for the church's collaboration and in these crimes».
In a move that Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano called «unprecedented and shocking,» before Francis offered the world the traditional papal blessing, he asked those watching to first pray for him.
Queen Victoria had to obtain papal permission when she asked to visit La Grande Chartreuse.
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