Sentences with phrase «paper money became»

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Everyone wants to find ways to save money, but scarcity energy takes it to the extreme: If you're asking employees to work on slow, outdated computers that affect productivity or becoming irritated because someone tossed a paper clip instead of reusing it, this communicates the message «We don't have enough.»
There wasn't even money available for stamps, so he used to hand - deliver press releases on a three - speed bicycle, Trained as a journalist, he first became aware of the power of the news media when a local paper refused to print meeting notices he wrote for a controversial group — but gave extensive news coverage to its refusal.
There wasnt even money available for stamps, so he used to hand - deliver press releases on a three - speed bicycle, Trained as a journalist, he first became aware of the power of the news media when a local paper refused to print meeting notices he wrote for a controversial group — but gave extensive news coverage to its refusal.
The importance of these insights for a proper understanding of central banks» devices for monetary control becomes instantly apparent once one realizes that, by regulating the actual quantity of its outstanding notes and deposit balances, together with the terms upon which it is willing to make more of the last available on credit to private sector financial firms, a central bank is able to influence, not just the quantity of circulating paper money, but the quantity of money substitutes created by the private sector.
Maybe intelligence services should have easier access to bank accounts, but until and unless all economies become fully digital, there will always be problems tracking gold / paper - money / etc.
In practice, fusion has become a game for the political elite, with endorsements by «paper parties» like the Working Families Party, Conservative Party, and Independence Party usually earned in back room deals with implicit — or explicit — trades of political favors and campaign cash (a recent NYPIRG investigative report found that the Working Families Party gets most of its money from the Democratic Party).
When I contemplate becoming a PI I immediately think about the years of begging for money, struggling to publish papers, and having little time for a life outside of the lab.
If you care at all about the thousands of teachers who will one day become ex-teachers, this paper puts numbers on just how many there are and how much money they're losing.
The problem is that printed books are becoming a thing of the past because, unlike digital media, printed books require paper and ink and presses that are real physical things that cost money.
Nevertheless, at the closer look, it becomes apparent that in order to buy a term paper and not to waste your money and nerves, you should pay attention to several factors.
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If the money supply grows, prices tend to rise, because each individual piece of paper becomes less valuable.
If you allocate money to a security (either equity or debt) you have the responsibility of becoming involved in the respective firm because, as Benjamin Graham noted, you invested in a business, not in a piece of paper or a financial device.
When the idea became known by institutions after the initial paper was published, a small flood of money came through the narrow doors, bidding up the asset prices to the point where the theory would not only no longer work, but the opposite of the theory would work for a time, as the overpriced assets had subpar prospective returns.
I think the tendency of journals to become more and more secretive of their contents, to demand money to see even long past publications, and to go all - electronic and subscription - only rather than sending paper copies to libraries, is an extremely destructive and ill - omened trend.
When paper money or other commodities become worthless so does its maintenance and control.
«Although the current speculative interest in cryptocurrencies is more to do with Blockchain technology than a loss of faith in paper money, at some point there will likely be some medium of exchange that becomes more universal and a competitor of paper money
«Although the current speculative interest in cryptocurrencies is more to do with blockchain technology than a loss of faith in paper money, at some point there will likely be some median of exchange that becomes more universal and a competitor of paper money,» Reid noted.
Once the Portfolio was stable I would take the free CF to either buy more properties or invest in paper assets that are riskier such as distressed debt or become a hard money lender.
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