Sentences with phrase «paper on the correlation»

In 2009, the research of Sir Richard Gregory, let me to write a few papers on correlation of sunspot activity to Accumulated Cyclone Energy, etc and the coming droughts and colder winters.
In 2015, Kogan — using his married surname of «Spectre» — co-authored a research paper on the correlation between social class and friendships across international borders.

Not exact matches

In their October 2012 paper entitled «Quantifying the Behavior of Stock Correlations Under Market Stress», Tobias Preis, Dror Kenett, Eugene Stanley, Dirk Helbing and Eshel Ben - Jacob relate average stock return correlations to stock market conditions with focus on dramatic maCorrelations Under Market Stress», Tobias Preis, Dror Kenett, Eugene Stanley, Dirk Helbing and Eshel Ben - Jacob relate average stock return correlations to stock market conditions with focus on dramatic macorrelations to stock market conditions with focus on dramatic market losses.
The following chart, taken from the paper, shows the rolling 250 - trading day correlation between U.S. stock market returns and gold returns (in U.S. dollars) based on daily data.
The authors of the paper hypothesize that the correlation between high wedding and engagement ring costs and divorce may have to do with financial stress placed on brides and grooms who are determined to have the perfect day, whether or not they can actually afford it.
«On the basis of time and spatial correlations, we conclude the DFW sequence may be the result of fluid injection at the SWD [saltwater - disposal] well,» they wrote in a paper published in March 2010 in The Leading Edge.
Clint Perry, senior author on the paper, said: «These correlations suggest that bees with more synaptic complexes in the visual association areas of their brain were predisposed to better memory and faster learning.
First author on the paper, Dr. Rui Araújo, a neurology resident in the Department of Neurology in the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (PT), elaborated, «There seems to be a correlation between altmetrics and conventional metrics, but notable exceptions occur.
As lead author on a 2015 paper, Fox described the mathematical correlation between body mass index, blood pressure and ventricular mass during the initial phase of the study.
University of Warwick researcher Professor Sandra Chapman, one of the lead researchers, on the paper said: «The new SuperMAG data collection opened up the possibility of finding patterns of correlation between each pair of all of the magnetometers, and studying how this changes in time.
While we have demonstrated direct correlations between oxygen content, crystal structure, and electrical resistance, the same ionotronic concept could be utilized to control other material properties,» says Professor Sebastiaan van Dijken, who is a coauthor on the paper with Yao.
Complex cancers, for instance, may involve hundreds of genetic variants; looking at all the papers on all of them together, she says, can mask actual findings and weaken the statistical strength of the correlation.
The revolution in neuroscience is often characterized as a revolution in new imaging technology.A long overdue reassessment of neuroimaging machines — in particular the functional magnetic resonance imager — has underlined that what you see is not always what you get.A study published this year in Perspectives on Psychological Science noted that many papers in social neuroscience, the field that examines the neurobiology of social behavior, suffered from faulty analyses that produced «voodoo correlations» in their data.
That paper «Climate Over Past Millennia» relies on the correlation of temperature with tree ring width as proved by other people / papers.
Alexander's Figure 12 (showing A correlation between temperature and solar cycle length — rather than amplitude) seemed the key point of the paper, on which his predictions are based.
The Guest Editors welcome theoretical and experimental papers on all aspects of research investigating and applying quantum correlations, quantum coherence and quantum superposition, ranging from purely abstract considerations to commercial applications.
Phenomenon could have long - term impact on population growth in urbanizing societies Reykjavik, February 7, 2008 — In a paper published today deCODE scientists establish a substantial and consistent positive correlation between the kinship of couples and the number of...
It should also be said that Ancel Keys was behind the original scare story on saturated fat; the seven countries paper which showed a big correlation between saturated fat intake and heart disease.
Our paper then turns to the topic at hand — the demand for a quality public education system and the willingness to pay for it — before presenting our seminal state - by - state analysis of the correlation between a strong middle class and spending on public education per pupil.
When Harry Markowitz started an intellectual revolution with his seminal paper «Portfolio Selection» in 1952, one of his key contributions was quantifying the impact that correlations between pairs of investments had on reducing a portfolio's overall risk.
Based on the very limited information I've been able to find (namely, comparing the correlation figures in the Vanguard paper I linked to above to correlation figures I calculated for high - yield bonds), it looks like:
As many RTS, units» strength and weaknesses are dictated by a sort of rock - paper - scissor correlation, meaning that no unit is invincible but always has one or more units that if used correctly, will counter it with ease and move on to attack.
«During this 20 - year period, there was also a greater correlation between the mark making that Still executed on canvasses and on works on paper, as well as between the composition of the paintings and the works on paper in terms of the relationship between positive and negative space,» Sobel said.
That paper «Climate Over Past Millennia» relies on the correlation of temperature with tree ring width as proved by other people / papers.
The paper he wrote together with Friis - Christensen in which he found a correlation between solar activity and clouds had a «slight» flaw: it ignored that the period of the study coincided with a big El Nino, and that large scale changes in ocean surface temperature are going to have an effect on cloud formation.
In particular, their paper indicates that they did principal components on the correlation matrix of short - centered data, whereas MBH98 did singular value decomposition (SVD) on the short - centered data matrix itself.
The overflows further north are (i) unlikely to have an influence on the temperatures in the «cold blob», and (ii) are largely independent of the AMOC in the open Atlantic — at least that is suggested by a model simulation of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, for which we show a correlation analysis in Fig. 2b in our paper.
In particular, their paper indicates that they did principal components on the correlation matrix of short - centered data, where as MBH98 did singular value decomposition (SVD) on the short - centered data matrix itself.
You are also cherry picking a few papers on the early warming period solar irradiance levels and correlations, so get a false impression on what its about.
I don't see a correlation on a regional level and I haven't found a paper that claims one.
For example Gerald Bond's Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate during the Holocene which is one of a series of papers written by Bond that tracked the correlation of levels of the cosmogenic isotopes C14 and Be10 with centennial to millennial climate change.
Their sources include church records, commissions of inquiries into glacier disasters, taxes on farms affected by glaciers, town records, population records, illustrations and lithographs, observations by travellers and scientists, scientific papers, historic articles on glaciers from contemporary sources in English, French, German and Italian, correlation with wine and grain harvest dates, alpine clubs, mountaineers and tree line / plant growth records amongst other sources.
And while we are being pedantic Yule actually distinguished between «nonsense» correlationscorrelations which exist between two quite unrelated variables as in the 1926 paper, and «spurious» correlations which he had identified in 1897 — where two variables are related but only because they both depend on a third variable which is not being considered.
Dessler et al. published a paper which used the change in the velocity of radiosonde balloons, instead of the on board instrumentation to show the the tropical troposphere hot spot did exist even though the correlation of the data required some serious creativity.
«Working with data pertaining to 7450 cardiovascular - related deaths that occurred within Budapest, Hungary, between 1995 and 2004 — where the deceased were «medico - legally autopsied» — Toro et al. looked for potential relationships between daily maximum, minimum and mean temperature, air humidity, air pressure, wind speed, global radiation and daily numbers of the heart - related deaths... scientists report and restate their primary finding numerous times throughout their paper, writing that (1) «both the maximum and the minimum daily temperatures tend to be lower when more death cases occur in a day,» (2) «on the days with four or more death cases, the daily maximum and minimum temperatures tend to be lower than on days without any cardiovascular death events,» (3) «the largest frequency of cardiovascular death cases was detected in cold and cooling weather conditions,» (4) «we found a significant negative relationship between temperature and cardiovascular mortality,» (5) «the analysis of 6 - hour change of air pressure suggests that more acute or chronic vascular death cases occur during increasing air pressure conditions (implying cold weather fronts),» (6) «we found a high frequency of cardiovascular death in cold weather,» (7) «a significant negative relationship was detected between daily maximum [and] minimum temperature [s] and the number of sudden cardiovascular death cases,» and (8) «a significant negative correlation was detected between daily mean temperature and cardiovascular mortality.»
2) «In 2011, a peer - reviewed paper [namely the 2011 Atmos Environ (AE) paper by Grooß and Müller] found that Lu's conclusions «are based solely on correlation... do not have a physical basis... and the findings of the IPCC... remain unchallenged.»
It is well known that the solar magnetic cycle strongly modulates the cosmic ray flux observed on Earth and there have been a number of papers concerning apparent correlations between cosmic rays and cloud cover.
For example, the same paper which had praised Ekholm back in 1902 now wrote «[How] easy it is for the most uneducated to confirm the amazing correlation between the curve he has calculated for this year and the observed temperature... Mr. Strömberg's reputation as an authority on the weather has got further support...» Accordingly, the paper bought his predictions for November and December 1902, evaluating them in a series of articles.
Perhaps while I am waiting for Max to suggest what is missing from the PDO correlation with temperature trends over the last 160 years I may take the liberty of suggesting that in respect of the overall upwards trend in temperature, despite the PDO oscillations [sic], that ENSO asymmetry adequately explains the [slight] temperature increase over that period; see the David Stockwell comment on the McLean et al paper for an overview of such non-linear asymmetry:
Researchers at MIT and the University of Pittsburgh today released a paper that shows a direct correlation between information made available on Wikipedia and how likely that work is to be referenced in future scientific literature.
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