Sentences with phrase «paper over debate»

(Part of the How to Talk to a Global Warming Skeptic guide) Objection: All those institutional position statements are fine, but by their very nature they paper over debate and obscure the variety of individual positions.

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The paper is embarrassing news for the FBI, which set off a big debate over security, civil liberties, and encryption policy in its showdown with Apple.
Heath's paper basically outlines the fundamental debate over shareholders - vs - stakeholders in business ethics.
The monetary policy debate over whether rule - like behavior is preferable to pure discretion dates back at least to Henry Simons in 1936.1 More recently, in their Nobel Prize - winning work, Finn Kydland and Ed Prescott demonstrated that a credible commitment by policymakers to behave in a systematic rule - like manner leads to better outcomes than discretion.2 Since then, numerous papers using a variety of models have investigated the benefits of rule - like behavior in monetary policy and found that there are indeed significant benefits.
Debate over this issue remains prominent among process theologians to this day and will be discussed more fully in the second part of this paper, but it should be remarked here that Hartshorne has consistently attempted to envision God, in this and in some other respects, after the model of the human person.
Liz Wilks, Director of Sustainability & Stakeholder Engagement Europe for Asia Pulp & Paper, examines the role of packaging in the craft drinks industry and the current debate over labelling standards
See also, for example, Fluer Anderson, «Producers in Power Push» (The Australian Financial Review, 20 October 2014, page 5), Fluer Anderson and Katie Walsh, «Cold shoulder for carve - ups» (The Australian Financial Review, 22 October 2014, p 11), Editorial, «Open economy is good for the farm» (Australian Financial Review, 21 October 2014, p 58), Lexi Metherell, «Agriculture green paper to spark debate over water, competition» (ABC Radio, The World Today, 20 October 2014) and Joe Kelly, «Green paper canvasses court orders to break up businesses» (Dynamic Business, 20 October 2014).
Under neo-liberalism it's become quite clear that we can drown in proceduralism — there's no problem keeping people busy with paperwork and accountability, or in the case of deliberative democrats for example, we can have important debates about how to redraw and then defend the borders of a democratic country legitimately — but if all those things take up all our time, we'll look up from our papers and our borders one day, and see that there isn't anything left to fight over.
Although Churchill and the crisis of May 1940 is a subject almost over written by many authors, David Owen in Cabinet's Finest Hour The Hidden Agenda of May 1940 (University of Chicago Press) uses Cabinet papers as well as private ones to explore the debate over whether to seek a negotiated peace.
In response to the In the black Labour discussion paper, Policy Network will take forward this debate over the coming months.
ALBANY — The yearslong debate over whether to impose a fee for plastic bags in New York appeared to come to a hard - fought end last month, when the City Council voted to charge 5 cents for most plastic and paper shopping bags.
Papers divided This morning's papers painted different pictures of the debate as the press remained divided over the debate's winner.
«There is a longstanding debate over the impact of government spending, and people who are very smart disagree — one camp holds that a dollar of spending leads to more than a dollar in GDP growth, while the other camp holds that spending results in less than a dollar in GDP growth,» says Nora Traum, an associate professor of economics at NC State and co-author of a paper describing the work.
Publishers have a massive problem with perception of value CNET) Here's something that tends to get lost in the debate over e-book prices: Paper doesn't cost very much.
The debate over this paper — much like the reproducibility crisis itself — still rages on.
The debate over whether a bacterium can incorporate arsenic into its DNA just flared up again, with the posting yesterday of a paper refuting the idea on ArXiv, an electronic preprint archive primarily used by astronomers, mathematicians, and physicists.
For more on the Kawaoka paper and the debate over H5N1 studies, check out Friday's print edition of Science.
Dr. Wilson was recently on the New Zealand current affairs program Close - Up explaining the concept of adrenal fatigue to New Zealand, but was told in a live debate with Associate Professor of Medicine at the Dunedin School of Medicine, Dr Patrick Manning, that in his opinion (inspite of over 3000 scientific papers published on the topic) that adrenal fatigue «simply does not exist» and that Addison's Disease is the only medically recognised form of adrenal insufficiency.
The debate over whether or not to publish it pits Bradlee against the paper's legal team, bankers and potential investors.
On paper, both Disaster Artist and Tonya seem likely to spark the debate that flares every time the Coen brothers or Alexander Payne make a movie, over whether darkly comic filmmakers are condescending to or exploiting their sometimes - hapless characters.
The results of this paper add evidence to the debate in the United States over the desirability of creating networks of charter and voucher schools.
Over the course of three article - length papers, my dissertation seeks to find an empirical foothold in each of these large and unwieldy debates.
With the advent of technology, the debate over eBooks and their paper printed versions are common.
The debate over Twombly's importance resumes with fresh energy with Cy Twombly: 50 Years of Works on Paper, newly arrived at the Menil from the Hermitage Museum and the Whitney Museum in New York.
A lot of hot air is being spent over the paper towels versus hand dryers debate.
Despite the often contentious debates that erupt over climate change science, we've seen only one other retraction in the field since we launched in August 2010, when Edward Wegman was forced to retract a paper for plagiarism.
I wonder why action is being taken to adapt to and mitigate man - made climate change instead of «discussing» the «debate» over 10 - year old first papers and whether Algore is fat and whether the earth is cooling despite last year being the warmest on record (according to one dataset)?
It's my job to know, and I still hem and haw over the paper - v - plastic debate!
In a new paper released today by the Shorenstein Center at Harvard University, Fall 2012 fellow Matthew C. Nisbet examines writer - turned - activist Bill McKibben's career and impact on the debate over climate change, drawing comparisons to other journalists and public intellectuals writing on the topic.
I was asked by Andrew Revkin, based on this paper, to discuss the likely impact for An Inconvenient Truth on wider audiences and also the possible effects on public opinion from the type of elite debate (especially online) that was escalating over the columns by Will at the Washington Post, a debate consistent with more general patterns of polarizing and reinforcing elite driven controversy that I had addressed in the paper.
There is prima facie evidence that Trenberth communicated with him over this paper, which implies backroom pressure, rather than open debate.
As an example of how active the debate over his theory is in the scientific literature, Sloan & Wolfendale, 2013 (Open access), which criticises the theory, was published in the journal Environmental Research Letters on 7th November 2013, but coincidentally, on the next day, a new paper by Svensmark — Svensmark et al., 2013 (Abstract; access to ArXiV preprint)-- was published in Physics Letters A.
Rather than accurately describing the long and on - going debate which genuinely existed over the urbanization bias problem, the chapter authors ignored or dismissed the papers they personally disagreed with and presented the papers they agreed with (and in some cases had co-authored!)
This blog type of forum is much more amenable to debates that can stretch over days with people going back and checking papers and facts between replies.
The debate over which is better for the environment - paper towels of hand dryers - continues to be debated, but a recent peer - reviewed study of seven hand drying systems found that high speed hand dryers posses a significantly smaller impact over any other drying system.
In a paper released by the Shorenstein Center at Harvard University, Fall 2012 fellow Matthew C. Nisbet examines writer - turned - activist Bill McKibben's career and impact on the debate over climate change, drawing comparisons to other journalists and public intellectuals writing on the topic.
In a May 2006 working paper released by the Brookings Institution, «Case Closed: The Debate About Global Warming is Over,» Easterbrook cited doubts surrounding global warming in the early 1990s and informed readers that, in his book Moment on the Earth: The Coming Age of Environmental Optimism (Penguin, 1995), he had «called for more research» on the topic:
In the U.S., the debate over term limits has recently centred on a 2006 academic paper by two law professors, Steven Calabresi and James Lindgren.
The remainder of this paper will attempt to identify the potential fault lines in the debate over the use of international law in the context of Charter interpretation, and propose some principles and guidelines that may lead to the more consistent use of such materials in the future.
This collection, through its lively, intelligent and controversial papers, discloses both irresolution over every sort of Charter issue and a tremendous intellectualism directed to the Charter debates.
Following the release of the Segregated Witness white paper, proposed solutions to the scalability problem were effectively flattened into two groups: those who wanted an increase in block size (with a further debate over what the ideal size was), and those who wanted to maintain block size while improving efficiency in other areas.
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