Sentences with phrase «paper over the fish»

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then if nothing on your ad page attracts the client within milliseconds, they turn the page again and you are done and over with, ready to be fish - wrapping paper, while if there are other ads on the page, or some article text, it gives the reader a reason to stop at that page, and then your ad has a higher visibility and ability to intrigue the customer, giving it several times the mental real estate and visibility than an ad costing thrice as much.
When done, place fish over paper towels, season with salt and pepper and allow excess oil to drain about 2 minutes.
Today, for example, my daughter forgot her packed lunch, I pulled my son's hair too hard when combing it, I forgot to run the dishwasher last night and to feed the fish, we ran out of toilet paper and their favorite cereal (even though I went to the freaking store yesterday), and I ran over the garbage can backing out of the driveway.
While acknowledging that melanomas are a rare cancer, she says at least 10 or 12 papers over the years have confirmed the malignancy in wild fish, including marine species.
In the subsequent Marine Mammal Science paper just out, the catches were among the key pieces of information used to model the size of the California blue whale population over time — a model previously used by other groups to estimate populations of hundreds of fish and various other whale species.
«This paper extends this work by tracking fish over a three - year time frame, far longer than previous efforts.»
According to the paper published in the journal Science Advances, the newly discovered 3,600 sq mile (9,300 sq km) coral reef system contains over 73 species of fish, 60 species of sponges, spiny lobsters and other forms of reef life.
Place the sea bass in two pieces of parchment paper just large enough to fold over the fish to make a parcel.
To prevent the fish from sticking, rub a paper towel moistened with vegetable oil over the grill rack.
I delicately cut out each of these sketches, so that I had over sixty small pieces of tracing paper shaped like flowers, foxes, birds and fish.
A new paper that combines paleoclimatology data for the last 56 million years with molecular genetic evidence concludes there were no biological extinctions [of Arctic marine animals] over the last 1.5 M years despite profound Arctic sea ice changes that included ice - free summers: polar bears, seals, walrus and other species successfully adapted to habitat changes that exceeded those predicted by USGS and US Fish and Wildlife polar bear biologists over the next 100 years.
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