Sentences with phrase «paper published»

Authors of papers published in most medical journals are required to disclose their funding sources and other conflicts of interests.
The study looked only at papers published by scientific journals in order to weed out political persuasion and found 12,000 papers about global warming.
In a new paper published today, we argue that they can.
A new paper published just this month reported that respondents across the political spectrum responded positively to information about the scientific consensus on climate change.
But she appeared to win few fans after she said teachers should stop opposing the reforms in the education white paper published last week.
There have certainly been worse papers published on climate sensitivity!
There are tons of research papers published in peer - reviewed journals that clearly show that intermittent fasting is a real deal.
And a recent paper published in Nature concluded that the planet is less sensitive to increases in CO2 than the computer models say.
One state - university postdoc reports delays in getting papers published because of the department's inability to hire a qualified computer person under new budgetary restrictions.
-LSB-...] As part of our year - end roundup series, here's a curated list of link to legal tech white papers published this year.
A few so - called skeptics got a peer - reviewed paper published in a journal.
In 2009, we analyzed citations to our journals for papers published between 2004 and 2008 to identify our authors from around the world publishing the most influential science.
The link became weaker, however, for papers published in 2012 and 2013, which had less time to accumulate citations.
And the handful who are tend to have a slim track record, with about half as many papers published as the scientists who accept the mainstream view.
The findings are described in two separate papers published in the current issue of Cell Stem Cell.
This new edition of Recognizing Our Authors (PDF) acknowledges authors of our most highly cited papers published between 2009 and 2013.
How many papers published have relied on said erroneous data?
All publications, books, technical reports and other papers published by the individuals must be included in the personal resumes.
Claims that solar cycle length prove the sun is causing global warming are based on a single paper published nearly 20 years ago.
If papers published in prestigious journals contain elementary mathematical errors that seriously affect their conclusions, why is this not a serious matter?
However, I seem to have lost friends in the academic community and have had considerable difficulty in getting technical papers published in journals whose editors have openly expressed their bias.
Using regression analysis, the authors found that the bigger labs in their dataset were more productive in terms of the overall number of papers published per year.
Choosing one paper to single out from among the many excellent papers published each year is a daunting task.
Our judgment about the inflation process is supported by two staff papers published today.
In fact, he was a co-author on seven of the eight bird - genome papers published in that special issue.
Read the full paper published in Obesity, the official journal of The Obesity Society here, and read the accompanying commentary here.
A joint paper published in 2013 found a strong correlation between an increase in traffic fatalities and lower gas prices.
So what's their explanation between the percentage of climate scientists who believe, and the percentage of papers published expressing belief?
Grant is the sole author of the paper, a rarity among papers published in this journal.
Are there likely to be additional papers published documenting the ongoing analysis and changes or will that information only be documented on the project website?
The study analyzed 14 million scholarly papers published between 2008 and 2015 by nearly 16 million individual authors.
A church paper published it as if it were reasonable.
It will be quite interesting to see how fast paper publishing will diminish, and how small it will get before stabilizing.
It seems that the scientists are doing their best to get accurate papers published, but are not paying too much attention to how the press is handling those papers.
Is it mostly right - wing papers publishing these pieces?
He rose through the ranks of the then - paper publishing business, but with a sense that change was coming.
The idea has been controversial, but three papers published today report evidence that in certain brain, skin, and intestinal tumors, cancer stem cells are the source of tumor growth.
But a new paper published this week suggests one piece of the climate puzzle may be found in any pond or lake.
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