Sentences with phrase «paper sack»

The phrase "paper sack" refers to a bag made from paper material, usually light brown or white in color. It is often used for carrying groceries or other items. Full definition
You could make a brown paper sack look stylish.
I could just see thousands of these people buying paper sacks of flour and sticking them in their basement for no apparent reason or future usage.
The buckets aren't food grade, but since the food is kept in the heavy paper sacks it doesn't ever come in direct contact.
Back then, «paper or plastic» was a relevant question, with the customer more often than not requesting old - fashioned paper sacks.
A carelessly tossed cigarette started a fire aboard a ship carrying about 2,300 tons (2,086,000 kilograms) of ammonium nitrate packed in paper sacks.
He snatched a small paper sack from beneath the bumper of his car and lateraled it to a rangy youth loitering nearby.
And in the Ph.D. level, students must carry everyday objects such as a cardboard box or paper sack while walking their dogs on a loose leash, ask their dogs to back up, and have their dog demonstrate table manners during a simulated dinner session.
I wanted to give these to friends in little waxed paper sacks but the are sticking to the bag.
Nor did I pack an ice block in my brown paper sack lunch every day and somehow I survived without getting food poisoning...
Click the link and she'll show you how to embroider an inspired statement (like «Yummy») on a piece of canvas and then sew it into a neat little sack that folds down the same way a brown paper sack does, so it won't take up too much room in your purse.
Notables include algorithm whiz Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852), daughter of Lord Byron and creator of code for an early computer, and inventor Margaret E. Knight (1838 - 1914), designer of — among other devices — a machine that mass - produced flat - bottomed paper sacks.
You can find plenty of items around the house that make safe and fun toys for your cat, however, starting with a plain brown paper sack whose crinkly texture delights cats (especially if the sack is large enough to crawl inside).
The first machine to make paper sacks appeared in the U.S. around 1869, and the first machine to make a sack with a folded bottom was invented in 1894.
Gather up extra buttons, ribbons, strings, bits of paper and leftover gift wrap, sprigs of garland, berries or whatever else you have around to fancy up basic brown or white paper sacks!
Well I didn't have either of those on hand but I did have brown kraft paper and brown paper sacks leftover from the Craft Party so that's what I used.
In one I enclosed a tiny paper sack into which I stuffed four pretty dyed skeleton leaves.
In Tofino, B.C., I filled up on raw almonds, giant medjool dates, and a little brown paper sack of chocolate - coconut energy balls at Green Soul Organics, which sustained me through two long shoot days and a return flight.
And in the Ph.D. for Dogs ™, students must carry everyday objects such as a cardboard box or paper sack while walking their dogs on a loose leash, ask their dogs to back up, and have their dog demonstrate table manners during a simulated dinner session.
When she put that bottle into the brown paper sack of groceries, I cried out, «Noo... Aunt Pearl, why would you give them that perfume?»
Deadwood writer Regina Corrado recalled going to the track with him one day to pick up his winnings: $ 90,000 in a paper sack.
Behind the back pew is an array of paper sacks and bundles tied in dirty newspaper.
As an alternative to Chinese lanterns, people began to make small paper lanterns out of paper sacks and the translucent wrapping papers that came with imported dishware.
I transferred them to a paper sack and closed it with clothes pins while I prepared the remaining ingredients for the soup.
But my favorite part about the paper sack / microwave trick is that, when your popcorn is done popping, you can tear a tiny hole in the corner of the bag and shake out all of the unpopped kernels.
And he used to carry his clothes in a paper sack on road trips until the sponsors of the Milwaukee Classic gave everyone gym bags last season.
It reminds me of the paper sacks of my youth in its simplicity, and it is perfect if you do not need an insulating bag.
That made sense for those long - ago days when lunch went to school in a brown paper sack.
Grab some tape, straws, a hole punch and a paper sack (our sacks are always from Braums because they price compare every morning and beat Walmart's price AND their milk is hormone free)!
Hole punch four squares in another sheet from the paper sack.
Provide each child with a brown paper sack.
Although increased demand for paper sacks in the wake of plastic bag bans could lead to more deforestation, most paper grocery bags in use today are made from recycled content, not virgin wood
According to lore, Verne publicly accused Wells of «scientifically implausible ideas,» and Wells, firing back in fittingly less forensic language, went public with the observation that «Jules Verne can't write his way out of a paper sack,» further twisting the knife by failing to provide any details as how such a large sack would be constructed or how Jules Verne might find himself trapped within it.
Many fruits can be encouraged to ripen by placing them in a warm spot inside a paper sack for a couple of days.
The beans (which I usually order online directly from Eden Foods) and the grains come in heavy paper sacks.
As a Victoria Secret model, this Brazilian beauty can wear anything, including a paper sack, and look fabulous!
I just grab a paper sack and call it good.
Hi, thanks for sharing — it's great that we all have our different opinions about dress styles MC would look magnificent in a paper sack I think!
At the lunch hour, Torez drives the highway truck down to the trees and we all remove our paper sacks from where we left them in the tool chest this morning.
To me a person's things in a paper sack just looks slutty.»
You can even put a few dog biscuits in a brown paper sack and hide them in the yard for a scavenger hunt.
Paper sacks and wadded - up paper make some of the best and least expensive toys for cats.
Paper sacks or a feather tied to a stick make inexpensive toys.
Serapinas had brought the actual sculpture to the exhibition, toting it around in a paper sack that struck the latent soccer mom in me as woefully underinsulated.
You'd look cute in a paper sack ❤️

Phrases with «paper sack»

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