Sentences with phrase «parent attitudes»

Other indicators, such as lone parent status, showed similar associations with parenting attitudes and organisation to those reported here.
There were also several associations between parenting attitudes and children's activities / relationship with their parent, even after allowing for mother's education, parenting support and other influences.
This is crucial modeling for the parents, who become more hopeful by observing strategies that are effective with their child and increasingly motivated to learn new parenting attitudes and skills.
This section describes how parenting attitudes and organisation varied by socio - economic status, and according to the type of any parenting support reported by mothers.
That is, emotional problems are caused by a child being born with a sensitive temperament, combined with environmental stressors that result from certain parenting attitudes.
Protective factors included parenting attitudes, measured by the Adult - Adolescent Parenting Inventory; parenting sense of competence, measured by the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale; family functioning, measured by the Self - Report Family Inventory; and social support, measured by the Social Provisions Scale.
«Authoritarian parenting attitudes as a risk for conduct problems - Results from a British national cohort study.»
The three major questions were: 1) Does Active Parenting training have an effect on parent attitudes?
Childhood - onset trajectories of boys, but not girls, were predicted by parenting attitudes and behaviour.
Divided into four parts, No - Cry Discipline begins by looking at essential parenting attitudes to build a strong foundation, banishes the discipline myths, and looks at discipline and emotional control.
The intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment and obedience parenting attitudes as mediated by parents» observable punitiveness and open communication parenting behaviors.
There are three sections (scales)-- the first rates parent observation of child behavior, the second looks at parent attitudes and beliefs, and the third focuses on parent behaviors.
No effects were found for parenting attitudes.
By letting go of their projection of prejudicial Parent attitudes onto God, they free themselves to experience the nurturing, loving Parent and reality - affirming Adult aspects of God's Spirit.
Because sometimes parents attitude towards «difficult babies» put them into serious sociological problem.
There are a lot of parent attitudes out there that are based on old understandings of what STEM is and what it can offer, and also the role of schooling in preparing young people for life, and how science and maths at school can actually help prepare young people for life and it doesn't have to just be about career.
When I hear their complaints, and I hear it often having a family of teachers on all sides of me, it usually has to do with administrative decisions and parent attitudes toward teachers / schooling.
A cooperative parenting attitude bespeaks a generous spirt; an uncooperative attitude bespeaks a pinched spirit.
Conclusion: the results confirm the hypothesis of our research: EMS are linked with cold and rejecting parent attitude or symbiotic relationships with parents and with negative self - attitude.
Parent Education Changes Lives (PDF - 145 KB) Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) of Northern Virginia (2013) Reports findings from an evaluation of SCAN's ABCs of Parenting program, an 8 - week program designed to improve parenting attitudes shown to be related to child abuse and neglect.
Nurturing Parenting Programs Family Development Resources (2014) Includes product catalog, training resources, research, validation, and related links for the Nurturing Parenting Program, which promotes nurturing parenting attitudes and skills for the prevention and treatment of child abuse.
The Adlerian theoretical approach to training parents was evaluated as to the effects upon parenting attitudes, parent - child relationship problems and family system functioning.
Poor household conditions, financial stress, inadequate social support, parenting stress and poor parenting attitudes, unsafe caregiver / child interactions, poor family functioning, poor adult functioning (e.g., mental health problems / substance abuse) that impacts parenting, poor family resources
This 40 - item inventory is used to provide an index of risk for abusive and neglecting parenting attitudes and practices.
There has been some investigation of how mothers and fathers differ in their parental cognitions and parenting style: Mothers report higher endorsement of progressive parenting attitudes, encouraging their children to think and verbalize their own ideas and opinions, whereas fathers endorse a more authoritarian approach.15 What is unknown is the extent to which these differences in attitudes affect child outcomes.
In an empirical investigation of the relationship between self - esteem and parenting for adolescent mothers, Hurlbut and McDonald (1997) found that positive self - esteem was related to positive and appropriate parenting attitudes and beliefs for first - time adolescent mothers.
Prevention trials targeting childhood - onset CP may thus focus on these early indicators of risk — and maybe also aim to reduce uninvolved parenting attitudes and behaviours which were distinctly associated with the childhood - onset CP pathways among boys.
FMF was designed to modify specific parenting attitudes and parenting responses toward the child's problem behavior with the ultimate goals of reducing child behavior problems and improving child and family functioning.
Education Post recently released the results of its 2015 Parent Attitudes Survey, which detailed how parents feel about the current state of public education and their top goals for improvements.
He is the principal author of the Nurturing Parenting Programs ©, designed to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect, and the Adult - Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI), an inventory designed to assess high risk parenting attitudes.
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