Sentences with phrase «parent in this country»

This massive fear of labor and birth is too prevalent in our culture and it's deeply influencing the way parents in our country birth and raise their babies.
Parents in this country need to take accountability for their children!!!! They need to monitor and guide — that is a parent's role.
It sounds like they may be planning on expanding, but at the moment only single parents in these countries will be able to access the service.
Regardless of it, Carlisle remains to be an unusual name choice for parents in the country, contrary to those in England where it originated.
In my mind, parents in this country who formula feed should be leading the charge against Nestle as a way of showing solidarity and support for parents around the world.
Parents in countries where co-sleeping is the norm, would interpret their baby's fuzziness differently.
Data from the most recent U.S. Census shows that the South has the largest share of gay parents in the country.
The Mombian newspaper column, which launched in 2007, is one of the longest - running columns on LGBTQ parenting in the country, and appears in Bay Windows, Between the Lines, Philadelphia Gay News, South Florida Gay News, Washington Blade, and Windy City Times newspapers.
The 2018 New York Baby Show, on May 19 & 20 at Pier 94 will once again be the largest show for new and expectant parents in the country!
Some feel that there is a cultural care breakdown in First World countries, and parents in these countries seek out caregivers, like nannies, who still hold to «traditional» maternal ways of caring for children that busy, anxious parents can not provide.
Today, I call on members of Congress on both sides of the aisle to renew their commitment to passing common sense gun control legislation because parents in this country shouldn't have to wait for the next tragedy for Washington to act.»
The truth is that most parents in our country want their kids to learn about abstinence and birth control in the classroom, as shown in this new report from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
The report also found that in Belgium, Germany and Hungary, parents of immigrant students are more likely to expect their children to gain a degree than non-immigrant parents in those countries.
Parents in countries such as China and Vietnam were much less likely to make happiness a priority, with greater concern for the quality of teaching.
I can only imagine how many noncustodial parents in this country have been talked into taking Prozac or Paxil themselves to deal with being turned against by their own flesh and blood.
Ed Miliband and his partner, Justine Thornton, are one of an increasing number of unmarried parents in this country.
You meet the eligibility requirements for adoptive parents in the country for which you wish to adopt
Michael Green is an Australian criminal lawyer and divorced dad who pushed for shared parenting in that country — except where abuse, addictions or other factors make one parent unfit.
A Family Equality Council connects, supports, and represents the one million parents in this country who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and the two million children they are raising.
It took social scientists, for instance, to understand that parents in countries where girls are denied an education were not opposed to educating their daughters in principle, but very often simply wanted a certain kind of education — namely, one which is set within a religious context — for their daughters, and if that wasn't available (which it usually wasn't), they would choose no education at all as the lesser of two perceived evils.
More than 10 years after he went missing the body of a 50 - year - old man was brought home to be buried next to his parents in a country churchyard in Co -LRB-...)
They suggest their observation could indicate that being a parent in a country with a strong welfare system, paid parental leave and high - quality childcare has different implications for parental mental health compared to the situation in a country like the United States.
I spent half of my life with my parents in my country.
And, every parent in this country — regardless of background, income or zip code — deserves the right to choose the school that is best for his or her child.
As well as that, whenever she went home to visit her parents in their country town, her network coverage was bad.
And to lose every parent in the country?
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