Sentences with phrase «parent of minor children»

The phrase "parent of minor children" refers to a person who has one or more children who are under the age of 18. Full definition
For parents of minor children who want to know what ALL the options are when thinking about divorce, hear this.
All too often, the divorced parents of minor children behave at a maturity level lower than their children.
When parents of minor children divorce, one certainty is that their decree or judgment includes provisions for child support.
When a custodial parent of minor children dies, does the surviving parent automatically get custody of the minor children?
Fully 90 % of parents of minor children say they plan to put up a tree, compared with 73 % of those who are not parents or guardians of children in their home.
However, there are some instances where parents of minor children who died in an accident or as a result of an injury can sue for wrongful death.
To provide parents of minor children access to their child's records.
It's not uncommon for parents of minor children to accept job opportunities not just in another state, but in another country.
All divorcing parents of minor children and unmarried parents with custody access disputes must attend a parenting educational program focused on their children's needs.
Divorce mediation is forward - looking, and can plan for the future parenting relationship of parents of minor children.
That is why LW4SP supports equally shared parenting as the default arrangement for separating parents of minor children.
If the crazies who want to make divorce for parents of minor children harder had their way, Abedin would now be forced to undergo marital education and wait months before she could file for a divorce.
For these reasons and more, the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court requires parents of minor children (even in uncontested cases) to complete a mandatory parent education class.
When parents of minor children break up or divorce, the noncustodial parent (the parent with less parenting time) typically provides financially support to his or her children by paying child support to the custodial parent.
A court - ordered periodic payment (usually bi-weekly or monthly) by one parent to the custodial parent of the minor child (ren) following a judgment of divorce (dissolution), legal separation or other court or administrative determination of parental financial responsibility.
When parents of minor children divorce, one certainty is that their decree or judgment includes provisions for child...
In Arizona, it is mandatory for the separating parents of minor children to attend classes in the Parent Information Program within 45 days from the date the Petition for Legal Separation is served.
That's the reasoning behind the wrong - headed push to make divorce harder in this country for parents of minor children and it's why no one seems to be too upset -LSB-...]
Parenting coordination is not for cases in which it has been determined that the process may compromise the safety of parents of the minor children.
Tennessee judges require divorcing parents of minor children to submit to mediation, attend parenting class, and present a parenting plan.
Which is why my head explodes whenever I read about the efforts to make divorce harder for parents of minor children.
Life Over The Influence includes a guide of rights and responsibilities for parents of minor children, which outlines how you can best help your child through this struggle.
While some critics say that good family support policies come at the expense of non-parents, they actually improved happiness of everyone in the country, «with an extra happiness bonus for parents of minor children,» the report said.
As long as the parents of minor children don.
Millions of people, more than half of whom are parents of minor children, have been ensnared in our criminal justice system.
Parents of minor children (50 %) and those with higher levels of education (58 % of college or post-college graduates) are more likely to have visited a library or bookmobile in the past 12 months.
Parents of minor children are more likely than non-parents to have used a library in the past 12 months (54 % vs. 43 %).
Those close to purchasing one were more likely to be under age 50, to be African - American or Hispanic, college graduates, and parents of minor children.
Parents of minor children are more likely than non-parents to have used a library (54 % vs. 43 %).
Women, whites, and parents of minor children are more likely to have library cards than other groups, and having a library card is also strongly correlated with educational attainment: 39 % of those who have not completed high school have a library card, compared with 72 % of those with at least a college degree.
All three possibilities are most popular with minorities, those under age 65, those in households making less than $ 30,000 per year, those who had not completed high school, and parents of minor children.
Demographically, audiobook listeners are more likely to have had at least some college education and to be the parent of a minor child.
(4) An individual with a disability, a parent of a minor child with a disability, or a service animal trainer who is accompanied by a service animal or an animal being trained or raised as a service animal may not be required to pay extra compensation for the service animal, but the individual may be liable for damages to the premises or facilities that the service animal causes.
A parenting plan is a document developed and agreed to by the parents of a minor child, and approved by the court, or if the parents can not agree, established by the court, which governs the relationship between the parents regarding the child (encompassing «custody», «parental responsibility», and «visitation»).
However, Federal law allows the power of attorney to last for the full duration of deployment when it comes to military service members who are parents of minor children.
When a Motion for Modification of Child Custody or Parenting Time is made by a parent of a minor child or children, and if that motion is contested by the other parent, courts will most often appoint a custody evaluator at the first hearing.
Hey Jeff, I think what actually happens in most states if the parents of a minor child die and leave that minor child as beneficiary, is the money goes into trust for that child (not to the child's guardian as you wrote).
> Parenting Plan, Absent Parent, Petitioner's Use, DC 6:5 (14), used when the Petitioner proposes a plan because «the Custodial parent is uncertain of the Noncustodial parent's ability or willingness to be actively involved in the parenting of minor child (ren).»
Parents of minor children are required to submit a custody affidavit and child support worksheet.
The court may order the parent of a minor child to attend a program about the impact of divorce on children.
If developed and agreed to by the parents of a minor child, it must be approved by the court.
When parents of minor children divorce, they can not completely sever ties between them.
Often, the parents of minor children find that they can not agree on their parental rights and responsibilities.
Before filing for divorce, parents of minor children would be required to participate in four to eight hours of face - to - face divorce education classes.
The time - sharing schedule shall either be developed and agreed to by the parents of a minor child or children and approved by the court, or established by the court if the parents can not agree, or if their agreed - upon schedule is not approved by the court.
Through mediation, parents of minor children can provide a framework for their future positive interactions regarding their children.
That's the reasoning behind the wrong - headed push to make divorce harder in this country for parents of minor children and it's why no one seems to be too upset -LSB-...]
North Carolina statutes do not define joint custody and rarely award joint custody to both parents of minor children.
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