Sentences with phrase «parent state»

Consequently 90 per cent agreed they would like attempt a degree, 100 per cent of parents stated it had raised their aspirations.
I've heard all too many parents state that their kids «don't like red meat» and then have their kids test positive for a B - 12 deficiency.
I collected each and every thing parents stated they could have done differently and I've compiled it all into a video, which you'll find below.
What is heartbreaking is that many pet parents stated that if they had had access to spay / neuter specifically, and veterinary care in general, they would have kept their pets.
I hear parents state this myth as truth repeatedly.
Most parents stated the deciding factor in buying this seat was the affordable price.
For example, a democratic parent states that a child's room needs to be clean.
Other parents stated that the stroller is easy to assemble.
Another 18 percent of Irish parents stated that they would be relying on monetary support from their parents or other relatives.
And attachment parenting states that «only you know your child» and you should rely on your intuition when it comes to making decisions regarding your child.
Like attachment parenting, unconditional parenting states that meeting a child's needs on an individual level is the basis for all healthy relationships.
However, the petition created by the group of parents stated that their stand was not against healthy eating, but against the process by which the decision had been made.
Many parents state they used this furniture for several years with no issues despite its low price.
A few pet parents stated that the soft chews weren't soft enough, and their dogs had a difficult time eating them.
Worry over and disapproval of the State Education Department's high - stakes standardized tests has been simmering in Kingston, with some parents
Given this association between parental state of mind and infant attachment, some interventions12 - 15 target parent state of mind as a means of changing infant attachment.
According to the food security survey of the US Department of Agriculture, 96 per cent of poor parents stated that their children were never hungry at any time in the previous year.
In a recent case in 2012, the state of Kansas pursued a known donor (where the child was conceived through at - home insemination) for child support when the child's mother (in a same - sex relationship) applied for government assistance for the child — despite the fact that the known donor had signed a written agreement with the intended parents stating that he would not be a legal parent of the child.
Sometimes parents state that kids steal tokens or aren't honest about them.
The voucher program in Cleveland gives parents state aid to send their children to private schools.
to which the average parent stated it took their child around two weeks.
Clint Wilson, LACA Partner and ParentPay CEO, commented: «This is the third year in a row parents stated a strong preference to make cashless payments to schools, not surprising considering the huge growth in online banking and e-commerce in recent years.
But, «80 percent of private school parents stated they had never applied for admission at a public or charter school.»
Parent states after students got off the bus they jumped her son and busted his head.
Previously, Family - Centered Regulatory Parenting states,» The use of consequences is not an option in the Family - Centered approach due to the principle that the primary caregiver must take responsibility for the developing child.
Adoption Information for Resource Parents State Guides & Manuals Search Child Welfare Information Gateway Lists State publications about adoption that are written for foster, adoptive, and prospective adoptive parents.
I collected each and every thing parents stated they could have done differently and...
Many parents state this can cause increased protesting from baby, and it is hard for the parents to watch.
Ahh, if I pointed out the parent stating that they prayed for their child to be cured and God cured their child....
Children who fail to follow directions exactly as the parent states have the hardest time with this method because it is dependent upon cooperation from the child.
Parents stated that when selecting apps for their children, the three key issues are: 1) the age - appropriateness of the app; 2) if it's engaging for their child; and 3) if the app protects their child's privacy.
Some parents stated their unit stopped working after a few short months.
Some parents stated the sound was delayed on occasion.
When one parent states they want a divorce, a common question from the other parent is «what about the children?».
As children have a right to be cared for by both parents the state should be improving the overall chances of this happening, rather than stacking obstacles against this outcome as the current tax system does.
For example, although some parents state loose stools, fever or a runny nose to developing teeth, many experts do not agree.
While the official media has been full to the brim of Chinese nationalism - oriented elation, on the Saturday evening many residents of Hong Kong displayed their increasing anger with the actions and dictates of the parent state by protesting outside of the Convention centre where Hu Jintao was due to inaugurate Leung.
This is because they are merely another symptom of Hong Kong's troubled relationship with its parent state and its citizens» increasing frustration with China's method of governing the territory.
Principal Jeffery Banks sent a letter home to parents stating that students reported that another student had brought a pellet gun to school.
He has stated in interviews that both his parents
Although, when enlightened on the meaning of STEM, more than two thirds (68 %) of parents stated that proficiency in tech is as necessary a life skill as budgeting or learning to cook, when it came down to the crunch 63.7 % of parents said that they'd rather their kids learned to speak a new language, than learned to code.
Boston Public Schools Superintendent Tommy Chang sent a letter to parents stating that the schools were committed to helping students and the community take advantage of this teachable moment.
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