Sentences with phrase «parental consent»

"Parental consent" means that a parent or legal guardian gives permission or agrees to something that involves their child, such as a decision, action, or participation in an activity or event. Full definition
The technical term for the illegal removal of a child without parental consent.
If an individual is under 18 years of age, but older than 16 years of age, a marriage license can be obtained with parental consent.
Volunteers under eighteen years of age must have a signed parental consent form.
These include providing notice of any data collection activities and requiring parental consent and information about the type of student data being collected and for what purpose prior to any release of data.
Within those schools, we collected data on all students for whom we obtained parental consent for participation and who were in attendance on the day we collected data.
We might also look at the parallels with contraception — how does the availability of contraception at school without the requirement of parental consent impact on teenage abortion and pregnancy rates?
Students under the age of 13 must obtain parental consent before taking one of our courses.
Volunteers under the age of 18 must provide written parental consent.
It will not be appropriate, however, to rely on parental consent if another person with parental responsibility strongly disagrees with the decision and is likely to take action to prevent intervention.
It also includes criminal penalties for anyone assisting a minor in seeking an abortion in violation of the state's parental consent requirement.
If you are under 18, please read about parental consent for medical services.
Many states have special parental consent laws that protect your right to get sexual health services privately, even if you're under 18.
That Act requires website operators to seek parental consent before collecting personal information from anyone under 13 years of age.
If you are younger then parental consent is required.
Parental consent does not make it legal so be careful.
If you're planning on sharing activities in your classroom, acquire parental consent.
A legal guardian can be appointed by parental consent through a power of attorney.
Applications made online will require a completed parental consent form to be sent to the Customer Centre.
First, research whether parental consent is required in your state.
Other specific examples of such major decisions can involve parental consent to allow the child to marry, obtain a driver's license, or join the military.
In the present study, all students who received parental consent also gave personal consent.
A nurse practitioner oversees the operation of the clinic, which students can use with parental consent and regardless of health insurance status.
If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information.
According to an analysis of elementary - school data, more than 750 black children were assigned to bilingual classes this year, many without parental consent, for the sake of integration.
Depending on where you live, you may be required to provide additional documentation, such as parental consent forms, medical records, your birth certificate, etc..
Basically, Path asked users for their date of birth but then failed to actually block users under 13 or obtain verifiable parental consent.
If you do not have parental consent before an abortion, you will need to complete a judicial bypass process.
Do you think minor females should be required to get parental consent to have an abortion?
Older kids and teenagers may even enjoy trying some new colors in their hair, obviously with signed parental consent.
If you are a minor considering an abortion, please read about parental consent and notification laws that might apply in your state.
It is not necessary to obtain parental consent; although those with parental responsibility for the young person should generally be consulted (subject to any valid refusal of consent to share information).
Schools in particular should pay particular attention to age at which parental consent for data processing is likely to change.
Would there be a duty on the group to control and monitor attendance based on parental consent?
If the child is virtually without parents due to death or long - term parental abandonment, then parental consent will not be required.
Almost anyone can skydive however you will need parental consent if you are under 18 yrs.
Such is the case with the New York City Board of Health's controversial decision last month to require mohalim (religious circumcisers) to obtain informed parental consent before performing ritual oral suction on the circumcision wound after completing the procedure.
For example, with SchoolMoney's parental consent feature, the school requests parents» consent alongside payments.
We CAN provide certain medical care to a minor without parental consent at any of our health centers if:
We do not knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information from children under the age of 13 without prior parental consent, except as permitted by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.
The response of the last government was essentially more of the same: earlier and more detailed sex education, family planning clinics in schools, promotion of emergency birth control (otherwise known as the «morning after pill») easier access to abortion, all without the need for parental consent even in the case of underage girls.
Since taking office in 2000, Perry has signed laws mandating parental consent for minor girls who want an abortion, slashing state funds for Planned Parenthood and requiring a woman seeking an abortion to first view a sonogram of her fetus.
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