Sentences with phrase «parenting magazines ads»

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It all began back in 1998, when KFAX senior advertising consultant Caroline Stevens saw a little $ 75 ad in a local parents» magazine.
ads will no longer be seen in the pages of glossy national magazines, the campaign is survived by its parent.
Despite a still - sluggish ad market, Moore kept the world's largest magazine publisher (and FORTUNE's parent) humming along.
Gay Parent Magazine print ad information Frequency: Gay Parent Magazine is published bi-monthly, six issues per year: January - February issue, March - April issue, May - June issue, July - August issue, September - October issue and our anniversary November - December issue.
Parenting magazines, television, and now the Internet are full of ads promoting formula.
Though our pediatrician wasn't worried a bit about my daughter, it seemed like everyone else was: parent magazines crowed about the need to breastfeed (despite running ads for formula); online parent forums held open season on the selfishness of people who wouldn't breastfeed; and I knew formula moms who had been blatantly harassed by some of La Leche League's less well - trained members.
Conclusions: Taiwanese pregnancy and early parenting magazines contain numerous infant and toddler food ads.
From ads in parenting magazines, direct mailings, and flyers in their obstetrician's office, expecting parents are repeatedly told of their «once - in - a-lifetime chance» to save their baby's umbilical cord blood for possible use later to save his life.
As a new parent, I picked up all of the popular books ad magazines offered dire warnings about co-sleeping and sneered at breastfeeding past six months, but now I've gotten pretty good at knowing where to avoid.
Breasts are thrust in everyone's face in TV ads, online images, magazine and newspaper pages, and blown up in store windows but many women have never seen breastfeeding aside from when it is used for comedic relief or perfectly staged and lit for a parenting magazine.
In a study published in January, researchers found that 35 percent of ads in parenting magazines that showed cribs or sleeping babies, and half of all crib displays in retail stores and on store websites, depicted unsafe sleep environments.
«Do as I say, not as I show: Ads in parenting magazines don't always illustrate safe practices: Study finds nearly 1 in 6 ads for children's products use images that clash with American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on potentially life - threatening issues such as infant sleep positions and choking hazards.&raqAds in parenting magazines don't always illustrate safe practices: Study finds nearly 1 in 6 ads for children's products use images that clash with American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on potentially life - threatening issues such as infant sleep positions and choking hazards.&raqads for children's products use images that clash with American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on potentially life - threatening issues such as infant sleep positions and choking hazards.»
Market your children's book to parents, teachers and school boards with an ad in Children's Advance Catalog and the Independent Voice Online Catalog.Get a global market of readers interested in your book through a network of magazines with a wide reach.
Consider the same care and wording as you would when placing ads in the parent club magazine «Chow Life», or any other publication where your comments may expose you to libel.
So while our preparations might be to raise awareness about the importance of energy efficiency, sustainable living and the green economy, some agencies» preoccupation is to make funny ads which can give them an award and thus win them the favor of their parent networks (excuse the advertising lingo, I used to work in a magazine about the industry).
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