Sentences with phrase «parents going to war»

Kids should not see their parents going to war.
When a parent goes to war: Effects of parental deployment on very young children and implications for intervention

Not exact matches

After the war that liberated Zimbabwe from Rhodesia in 1980 my parents and a friend renovated a Land Rover in order to go Safari through central Africa.
I try so hard to accept everyone and feel everyone deserves a good life... but then don't try to change MY LIFE and the life my parents, grandparents, great - grandparents, and so on... were so proud of... went to war for... lived for... you want ur beliefs?
As early as World War II, the political leaders of the Free French forces had known that France would have to face up to the question of whether it was going to allow the decline of a system of schools preferred by the parents of one - sixth of all French pupils, or whether it was going to accept the hazards of open political discussion aimed at developing a new and creative solution.
They fight over who is going to have custody, they use the kids as weapons in a war of words, and they do their best to poison their children's minds against the other parent.
What I wonder about is whether all doctors are going to really do their good, investigative research with parents about what goes into the little ones» mouths, or if they're going to simplify the issue and distill it down so that it becomes more about a war against fat than a battle for health.
It seems to be a war going on between conventional parenting and attachment parenting and that's what I want to avoid.
The history of clearly out LGBTQ parents goes back to just after World War II, when we find evidence that most lesbian and gay parents had their children within different - sex marriages, leading double lives or divorcing and almost always losing custody.
In our society we seem to feel that practicing attachment parenting means that the parents alone are raising the child or sometimes even one parent alone (usually the mother) while the other one works long hours, goes off to war, or just runs away.
However, it would be far better for parents to show their teens the original Star Wars film series rather than paying the extra money to go to the theater to see this movie.
When Cartman, Stan, Kenny and Kyle are caught going to see the latest Terrence and Phillip movie, their parents launch a war against Canada in order to prevent that kind of smut from hitting America.
J.J. Abrams may know a few details about Rey's parents from Rian Johnson, but if this recent interview with Colin Trevorrow on Entertainment Tonight is anything to go by, we may not get the answers until Star Wars: Episode IX.
Yet the United States has gone from a society that values the job of being a parent to one that has been waging a war on parents.
«I don't know if we're so much caught up in the parent trigger battle going off or more caught up in an even larger battle between the education establishment and education reformers, and this is just another battleground in that war,» said Oklahoma State Sen. David Holt, R - Oklahoma City, whose parent trigger bill cleared the State Senate in March but never made it to a vote in the House.
At the same time, the donors pledged to go to war with parents and teachers in Arizona who are fighting to block the state's massive school voucher expansion.
A responsible pet parent, he left his dogs with caretakers, with written instructions regarding his beloved pets, while he went off to war.
The fact he was born during the World War II had no direct impact on the Hammons family since David's mother was a single parent and there was no father to go overseas and fight the Germans.
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