Sentences with phrase «parents have access to the child»

Utah just passed a state law for the creation of a student data backpack so that parents have access to their child's data and it moves with them.
The traditional arrangement, is that the primary caregiver of the Child has «sole custody» of the Child, and the other parent has access to the Child.
Modification of a child custody agreement can result in a change in the custodial parent, one parent choosing between losing primary custody and a new job, how often the non-custodial parent has access to the child or children, and how much authority each parent would have in making major decisions about the child.
Accordingly, ensuring that both parents have access to the child or children to continue to develop that relationship is in the best interest of the child or children.
This can ensure that each parent has access to the children's academic, extra-curricular, and social activities.
With all due respect for the drafters of this bill, it is fundamentally so different from what it should be that I would rather we focus our energy on agreeing that we need to make changes to the custody system in consideration of the best interests of the child and equal custody so that both parents have access to the child.
You can also specify if both or only one parent has access to a child's school or medical records and information.
The noncustodial parent has access to the child only when supervised by another adult.

Not exact matches

In a statement, Apple said that since 2008 the iPhone's software has allowed parents to control which apps, movies, games and other content children can access.
She says the typical Waldorf parent, who has a range of elite private and public schools to choose from, tends to be liberal and highly educated, with strong views about education; they also have a knowledge that when they are ready to teach their children about technology they have ample access and expertise at home.
It's this kind of research that led Princeton sociologist Sara McLanahan and her colleague Gary Sandefur to write that if they we were to design a family, the «two - parent ideal... [would ensure] that children had access to the time and money of two adults... would provide a system of checks and balances that promoted quality parenting... [and the] fact that both parents have a biological connection to the child would increase the likelihood that the parents would identify with the child and be willing to sacrifice for that child, and it would reduce the likelihood that either parent would abuse the child
Carolyn Bunting, from Internet Matters, told Premier: «Without parental controls in place, children can access content that's inappropriate like pornography, like violence, like crime... which I don't think parents would want their children to see.
A survey's found more than sixty percent of parents haven't put parental controls on toys with internet access that they've given to their children.
A blanket moratorium on charter schools would limit Black students» access to some of the best schools in America and deny Black parents the opportunity to make decisions about what's best for their children
So here we are in 2006, with parents piecing together a patchwork of arrangements to care for the kids while they're at work, and with only the richest having access to high - quality child care.
It is no longer feasible to keep a child insulated from outside influences forever — and the longer a parent tries to do it, the more likely the kid will question things once they inevitably get access to the oceans of information we have at our disposal.
When asked whether cyber bullying is most likely to be on private or on public comments she replied: «Cyber bullying can be texts, WhatsApp... private message generally and that very hard to manage because nobody has access to those messages unless you're a parent and you have access to your child's phone».
Of course pedophiles would flock to the priesthood, just like flies flock to poop; it has everything they want, easy access to children, trusting parents, an entire infrastructure ready to cover up their deeds for its own self serving reasons.
Sure, women have access to the Pill and work in the marketplace» does that mean the children men and women keep creating suddenly lost the need for married parents?
I certainly don't trust a parent who leaves his children unsupervised in the woods and allows the most evil being to ever exist to have access to them.
Well - off kids have on average more access to books and other printed materials; just as important, their parents speak to them more than low - income parents speak to their children — by some estimates, far more — and the speech they use is more complex.
Also, a child conceived in a co-parenting scenario has access to two loving parents, who have made a conscious effort to conceive this child and may be more financially ready.»
While some parents may shy away from allowing their children ready access to technology for this reason I know that my kids have to know tech to succeed.
A court in Delaware prefers a joint custody arrangement where both parents have equal access to the child.
He wanted them to have «right of access» to home educators» homes, and even the right to speak to children without parents present.
My thought is that until society changes, it will be a up - hill battle to convince children that the healthful choices they see at school cafeterias are great when outside of school many are seeing and eating the less - than - healthful choices in many of the ways we've talked about here before: classrooms, athletic practices, homes because parents are busy, don't have access to fresh foods and more.
A better environment would include better access to healthy food, restrictions on advertising to children and plain old health education to help parents weed through conflicting messages in order to make the best choices.
Most parents would be thrilled to have the help of such a coach who could tell them «ask for this, not that,» or «fill in this form and you'll have access to better services for your child
The agreement should explain the time sharing schedule for the non-relocating parent and any other persons who are entitled to have regular access to the child.
Not only are children scarred by witnessing their parents battle one another, but using the courts to devise a custody and access arrangement is a waste of money - money that could have been better spent to the needs of the children.
It is always a tragedy when grand parents are denied access to their grand children especially if they have had a good loving relationship with them in the early years.
The National Alliance for Youth Sports envisions a future where all youth sports coaches, parents, officials and administrators are educated and all children have access to safe and positive sports experiences.
We also jointly recognize that court proceedings regarding child (ren) and custody and access matters can be detrimental to child (ren), and we therefore have decided to resolve these questions ourselves, using this Shared Parenting Agreement.
NAYS vision is a future where all youth sports coaches, parents, officials and administrators are educated and all children have access to safe and positive sports experiences.
We provide webcam access for parents only during business hours, giving each parent access to see their child having fun learning.
For 45 years, her research, practice, teaching and publications have focused on research in children's adjustment to divorce, custody and access issues, divorce and custody mediation, applications of child development research to custody and parenting plans, and Parenting Coorparenting plans, and Parenting CoorParenting Coordination.
A future where all youth sports coaches, parents, officials and administrators are educated and all children have access to safe and positive sports experiences.
You can enjoy informative interviews from youth sports safety guru, Dr. Mike; access resources, getting everything you need to know to help guide your child through their developmental years; and the great thing is whether you're a Parent, Coach, or Athlete, you can engage in real - time conversations with others who have the same passions and interests as you... NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!
Dr. Joan B. Kelly, a renowned psychologist and parenting researcher confirms that the outcomes for children of divorce improve when they have equal access to both parents.
Toward that end, judges generally do not favor an arrangement in which one parent is denied access to the child or where visitation would be difficult.
Great initiative, so important for parents to have access to such educational resources to help you find a way to connect with and better parent your children.
And we expect parents to have access to information so that they can make informed choices about how they feed the most vulnerable and precious people in our society, babies and young children.
is about putting children on the path to a healthy future during their earliest months and years; giving parents helpful information and fostering environments that support healthy choices; providing healthier foods in our schools; ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food; and helping children become more physically active.
Outreach to caregivers and other community groups followed, and the past two decades have seen tremendous achievements throughout the wider community, particularly in supporting parents who, because of their social and economic circumstances, might not have access to the resources they need as they take on the challenging job of raising young children.
While the growth of the approved program models will lead to more parents receiving this critical support during their child's early years, many families will still not have access to high - quality research - based programs.
[1][2] Childproofing is gaining more prominence now that parents have greater access to information on child injury and a greater variety of products to help prevent it.
Knowing that all families have strengths and all families have needs, PAT parent educators help families access what they need to strengthen the protective factors within the family to provide for children's healthy development.
Toddlers Don't Need Tablets Many parents have been led to believe their child will be left behind if they don't have access to a computer almost from infancy.
Many brands have tried adding extra features or altering the gates based on the major types to allow better access for parents to their children, enhanced protective qualities, and ease of usage.
The Baby Trend Expedition double jogging stroller is a popular choice for parents with two children who want to get outdoors and have access to various terrain, yet provide a smooth ride for their children.
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