Sentences with phrase «parents in this case»

The fact that parents had a love marriage might reduce the fear of confronting parents in case of a romantic relationship and induce hope in the acceptance of such relationship by the parents.
If the mother were the custodial parent in this case, she would not actually be responsible for paying anything because her share would go into household expenses.
She said the network believes in «having honest conversations» with parents in those cases.
Both bills would establish a presumption of equal parenting in every case.
However, campers should expect to use this phone only to contact parents in case of an emergency or to contact a parent for pick up at the end of a camp day.
The family includes the student and the student's parents in the case of a dependent student, or the student (and spouse if any) in the case of an independent student.
Child Welfare Practice With Families Affected by Parental Incarceration Child Welfare Information Gateway (2015) Highlights practices to facilitate parent - child visits during incarceration, include parents in case planning, and work toward reunification.
Week 8 Ultrasound can be exciting as well as worry for parents in some cases.
«Just as with all constitutional educational choice programs, parents — not government officials — decide the best means to educate their child,» said Tim Keller, executive directorof the Institute for Justice Arizona Chapter, which represented parents in the case.
• Ideally, however, you and the other parent should both sign the application, because the Passport Program may contact the other parent in any case.
The following types of personality disorders are most prevalent in terms of the alienating parent in cases of severe parental alienation:
In not wanting to choose, children are being more sensible than the present dominant culture that increasingly turns the appropriate involvement and voice of children into their being set up to be the chief witness and decision maker between parents in cases where the parents are not able to protect their children from these terrible and harmful responsibilities.
On the other, they have to meet the demands of stressful work life as well, as they are the only earning parents in this case often without the support of a separated or deceased spouse.
Scott Witlin, the attorney who represents the unidentified parents in the case, said he feared the union would «attempt to use the collective bargaining process to frustrate the implementation of the law.»
This creates a situation known as Parent Alienation Syndrome, which affects the relationship between the children and the vilified parent in these cases.
The notice is required for all proposed moves by custodial and non custodial parents in all cases when the proposed move involves a change of the primary residence for a period of at least sixty (60) days.
The United States Court has stressed out the importance of good parenting in the case of particular parents having no proper parenting schedule for their child which resulted in a lack of homework participation.
Generally, courts entertain motions to modify child custody and child and spousal support because of changed circumstance in the lives of the custodial or noncustodial parent in the case of custody and child support, or in the lives of the payer or payee in the case of alimony.
The dominant view is that children's voice be increasingly turned into their being the chief witness and decision - maker between conflicted parents in cases where the parents and professionals can't think of a better way to make decisions and to protect the children from these terrible and harmful responsibilities.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) This study compared the efficacy of two types of group cognitive behavioral therapy, Combined Parent - Child Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CPC - CBT) and Parent - Only Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy (CBT), for treating the traumatized child and at - risk or offending parent in cases of child physical abuse.
When one looks at the checklists of what a parental alienator allegedly does, it is the alienated parent in my case who does the things such as bad mouth me, tell inappropriate things to the children, is verbally abusive to me, etc?
Article 9 of that UN Convention on the Rights of the Child argues for a child's prior right of access to both parents, thereby establishing a presumption for equal shared parenting in cases of divorce and separation.
But there's enough beautiful animation, fun 90s and early 00s songs, and Easter - egg jokes for parents in case the kids decide they really like this movie and you have to watch it 400 times.
The arrears go directly to the custodial parent in this case, even if the custodial parent is using the state collection unit to collect the money.
This bulletin provides an overview of the intersection of child welfare and parental incarceration; highlights practices to facilitate parent - child visits during incarceration, include parents in case planning, and work toward reunification; and points to resources to help caseworkers in their practice with these children and families.
Provides an overview of the intersection of child welfare and parental incarceration; highlights practices to facilitate parent - child visits during incarceration, include parents in case planning, and work toward reunification; and points to resources to help caseworkers in their practice with these children and families.
A student (or parent in the case of a parent borrower) will not qualify for federal student aid if he or she owns property that is subject to a judgment lien for a debt owed to the United States.
Furthermore, $ 15,000 a month after tax can be used to help my parents in case they need financial help for whatever reason.
It is also possible for the kids to inform their parents in case of a medical emergency or if they want to inform their parents about their activities, for example, going to a friend's house after school.
Another important thing is that you have to make sure that the baby is healthy enough to cry and alert his or her parents in case there is an issue.
The young men were approached via their parents in case the parents had not disclosed to their children the method of conception.
Jubilee's comics backstory includes the fact that she was raised in the swanky locale of Beverly Hills, but saw her life come crashing down around her when a hitman took out her parents in a case of mistaken identity.
To combat the inherent risk of lending to a college student someone figured out a way to tie the debt to the parent in the case of financial turbulence for the student.
Stepparent's also qualify as a parent in the case of eligibility for the loan.
The dog (or his parents in the case of a puppy) should have been screened for common genetic defects such as hip dysplasia minimizing the chances that the dog will have health problems.
Parents in both cases are challenging school integration guidelines that prevented their children from attending their school of choice because of their race or ethnicity.
Notwithstanding these difficulties, the parents in these cases were caring, competent, and beneficially involved in their child's life.
The solicitor representing the parents in the case warned that more challenges are likely without reform to the legal aid application system.
The father objected, claiming that a Parenting Coordinator would merely add another «layer» to the process, and it was better that the parents in this case communicate directly with each other.
In New York, it is not uncommon for joint legal custody to be awarded to both parents in the case of separation.
Specifically, counsel for the employer submitted that the «legal responsibility» of a parent in a case like this is the obligation to provide nourishment to his or her child.
John Carey represented a child and her parents in a case in which the mother's pregnancy was not properly managed.
«The Court in East Berkshire had express regard to Article 8, notwithstanding its non-application to the facts of that case, when considering the balance of interests between children and their parents in cases of this sort.»
It's ideal for young professionals as it's cheap and will cover his / her parents in case of untimely demise.
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