Sentences with phrase «parents time and frustration»

ApplyHouston saves parents time and frustration, making it easier for them to make deliberate and informed choices.

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Regarding the latter, the stories are depressingly redundant: parents and other relatives who were alcoholics and / or drug addicts, who left the boys to fend for themselves or locked them for hours at a time in a bathroom or the basement, and who took out their own frustrations by beating the boys with belts and boards.
Can the parents say «No» when the child runs into the street, and prevent him from doing it, while at the same time accepting his feeling of anger and frustration at being thus limited.
I was a nine - year - old at the time and, having successfully pleaded for the Rudolph record, I played it over and over, much to my parents» frustration.
There are certain common friction points between kids and parents: getting up, getting dressed, getting out the door, meal times, bedtimes... geez, listing it out, it seems like there are A LOT of potential sources for frustration.
Issuing a «time out» is often parents» first line of defense, but this type of punishment can backfire by increasing a child's frustration and sense of isolation.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber This bestselling classic includes fresh insights and suggestions as well as the author's time - tested methods to solve common problems and build foundations for lasting relationships, including innovative ways to: · Cope with your child's negative feelings, such as frustration, anger, and disappointment · Express your strong feelings without being hurtful · Engage your child's willing cooperation · Set firm limits and maintain goodwill · Use alternatives to punishment that promote self - discipline · Understand the difference between helpful and unhelpful praise · Resolve family conflicts peacefully Enthusiastically praised by parents and professionals around the world, the down - to - earth, respectful approach of Faber and Mazlish makes relationships with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding.
All new parents struggle with lack of sleep, frustration, lack of time to shower and even depression.
The principles of conscious parenting ask that parents engage their children with empathy and curiosity in everyday experiences and take the time to connect before they discipline out of frustration, convenience or the desire to control and manage.
But this seems like another time when a parent is expressing their frustration because the things that are supposed to work aren't having the desired impact, and results are inconsistent at best.
Elizabeth Pantley's expert and reassuring advice will save parents and children time and frustration from start to finish.»
Parents all over the world feel frustration at one time or another about the need to remind their child to do something and the child simply forgetting or getting distracted by another, more interesting activity.
I read in a book one time that a parent should wait until the child is ready since the child will not train until he / she is ready and it would just cause frustration for the parent.
The recent blockades in Calais caused major disruption at a peak time in the school trip calendar, leading to disappointment, cost and frustration for pupils, teachers and parents across the UK.
It was DeVos articulating the kinds of practical frustrations that bedevil so many educators, parents, and community members — especially that trio of dynamic teachers who might want to launch a charter, but don't have the time or bandwidth to navigate an application process that requires two years, foundation support, and a professional proposal writer.
Conley's report comes at just the right time; while we have heard endlessly about teacher, student, and parent frustration over standardized testing, about what those tests are missing, and how limited they are, the educational community has been too silent about alternatives.
This could save parents and schools a lot of time, effort and frustration in situations where the admissions procedures were correctly followed.
I believe we may have more than a «quiet crisis» on our hands; if those four phone calls are in any way indicative of the frustration that hundreds of other parents, teachers, administrators, and state directors are experiencing, it is only a matter of time before the unmet needs of the children (and adults) will make it a noisy crisis indeed.
School board member Monica Garcia, who represents the district, told LA School Report that she met many times with the parents of 20th Street and felt their frustration.
During moments of frustration with the district's intransigence, I would sometimes say to the courageous disability advocate lawyers representing the plaintiffs that I had a tough time figuring out how students and their parents benefited from maintaining the district at its current size, and that breaking it up into smaller units would better serve students» interests.
Okay everyone — now would be a good time for Connecticut's students, parents and teachers to start screaming out of utter frustration and anger!
As carpooling parents ourselves, we understood that dismissal time meant long lines, frustration and an unsafe environment for students.
As long as these dogs are given some sort of play time during the day, whether it's a game of fetch in the fenced backyard or a brisk walk around the neighborhood these dogs tend to adapt very well to many situations and not offer too many frustrations for any pet parent level.
Thinking like this can lead to a way to divide the children's time between Mom and Dad that allows hcildren to get the best each parent has to ffer, and protects children from the frustration parents feel when trying to do something with children that is difficult for them.
Today, I will share one small parenting tip to join with your child so that your «hearts and your minds meet» — especially in a time of frustration and distress.
Practically speaking, a parent who anticipates a sense of frustration and still acts constructively (e.g. spending more time with them) will see a change in their child's behavior.
this is a normal part of this helpful parenting tool as children need a time to release frustrations with a person they love and trust).
Additionally, target parents involved in these difficult cases find that every minute of their spare time is spent preparing legal documents, worrying about whether the next visitation with their child will occur, and managing increasing frustration at not being able to resolve their problems.
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