Sentences with phrase «parliamentary watchdog»

A parliamentary watchdog is a group or institution that keeps a close eye on the activities of the government and its representatives in the parliament. Their main role is to ensure that the government is acting responsibly, ethically, and in the best interests of the people. They oversee government decisions, policies, and spending to make sure everything is done fairly and transparently. Full definition
Police say they are investigating two cases referred to them by parliamentary watchdog after a third case led to a caution
David Cameron gives his backing to Culture Secretary Maria Miller after a Parliamentary watchdog launches an investigation of her expenses.
A total of 44 MPs had their expenses claims rejected in the final two months of 2010, the parliamentary watchdog has revealed.
«We believe that the employment of «connected parties» is out of step with modern employment practice, which requires fair and open recruitment to encourage diversity in the workplace,» said the parliamentary watchdog's chair Ruth Evans.
Leyton and Wanstead MP Harry Cohen is currently being investigated by the parliamentary watchdog for claiming costs on his east London home while listing a house in Essex as his main residence.
Mid-Bedfordshire MP Nadine Dorries is facing an investigation into her expenses claim by a parliamentary watchdog.
A parliamentary watchdog found she broke the ministerial code for failing to co-operate fully with an inquiry into her expenses.
Culture Secretary Maria Miller has apologised to MPs after a parliamentary watchdog found she broke the ministerial code for failing to co-operate fully with an inquiry into her expenses.
The speech came as new figures published by the Parliamentary watchdogs show the former Chancellor George Osborne earned # 187,630 in November for speeches to American financiers including investment giants Black Rock.
It follows new claims that she tried to intimidate the parliamentary watchdog that was investigating her.
The poll also shows all three party leaders have judged the public mood correctly by rejecting the 10 % increase in MPs» pay from 2015 proposed by the parliamentary watchdog.
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