Sentences with phrase «part in the film»

We'll also invite some of our other favourite entrants to take part in the filming as well, travel costs included.
First off, it is significant that so many outstanding performers are willing to play bit parts in this film.
This marketing, no doubt, played a big part in the film grossing extraordinarily high, considering it was R - rated.
When you only have two days with the actor playing the second largest part in the film, it helps that the two men playing best friends are actually best friends.
It's interesting to see how many nearly - professional athletes were so serious about getting minor parts in the film.
And one lucky (and rich) fan who donated $ 10,000 is getting a speaking part in the film.
That was one of the few examples of the silly parts in the film.
Music, story, characters, set and costume design, all play an integral part in this film.
It's dark enough to feel real but not too dark to keep you from laughing your ass off during the many hilarious parts in this film.
Personality is a key part in the film, to be sure.
During the October half term, Tigger received a very special invitation to take part in the filming for the new Maxi - Cosi Star Wars Rodi car seat.
A longtime friend of Rodriguez, Tarantino agreed to take part in the filming of Sin City not only to repay the versitile filmmaker for providing soundtrack music for the Kill Bill films but also to try his hand at digital filmmaking - a process increasingly championed by the seemingly inexhaustable Rodriguez.
He has, however, assembled a big cast for the material; even the small supporting parts in the film include Robert Downey, Jr., Scarlett Johansson, and Bobby Cannavale.
After landing parts in films as diverse as Warlock: The Armageddon and The New Age, Marshall was cast as a regular in a string of television programs that failed to last beyond their initial seasons; Wild Oats, Cupid, Snoops, and Out of Practice were among these shows.
The Music of Coco: (13:12) Obviously, music plays a major part in this film, so it's great to see the extensive care given to the acoustic instrumentations.
In fact, the camerawork in general by Matthew Libatique plays a huge part in this film.
Soon after they moved to L.A., Tom began winning high - profile parts in films (Beethoven) and television shows (Beverly Hills 90210, The Nanny).
His first was a small part in a film directed by Nicholas Ray, Wind across the Everglades, in 1958.
The actor's breakout silver screen role was in «Stormbreaker,» then he played starring parts in films such as «I Am Number Four,» «Endless Love,» «Magic Mike» and «The Strange Ones.»
Suffice it to say that production design and mood play a significant part in the films lasting appeal.
After playing supporting roles on TV and bit parts in film in the late 1950s, Eastwood started to make a name for himself in 1959 with a starring role on the TV series Rawhide.
's founder Kris, who lives with advanced breast cancer, plays a small part in the film which she details in her own blog here.
However, it allowed Cruise to once again take part in film history, further solidifying his position as one of Hollywood's most well - placed movers and shakers.Cruise's enviable position was again solidified later in 1999, when he earned a Best Supporting Actor nomination for his role as a loathsome «sexual prowess» guru in Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia.
Signed to a Warner Bros. contract in 1937, she played a few conventional ingénue parts in films like Kid Galahad (1937), but was far more effective in roles calling for disillusionment in pathos, notably her work as Bette Davis» sister in Marked Woman (1937).
There isn't a whole lot of dramatic parts in this film and there is a good dosage of K.I.T.T..
The portly, leprechaunish O'Malley essayed on - camera character parts in films like Witness for the Prosecution (1957) and Mary Poppins (1965).
the actors all did there part in this film, and the result is pretty entertaining, with an entertaining twist on the story of red riding hood, the reason why i enjoy the film is how each of the stories are linked by the telling of each story told by each character
In The Killers (1946), Brown played Nick Adams, who in the Hemingway story on which the film was based was the narrator but who wound up with little more than a bystander part in the film's opening scene.
Other than that, names like Jai Courtney and Alex Russell pop up here in there to bolster some small but necessary parts in the film.
In directing «The Space Between Us,» Peter Chelsom, who takes an acting part in the film as the voice of a robot, is on a similar wavelength by dealing with the space between one young man from Mars and one young woman from Earth.
Underrated: The casting of small parts in this film looks excellent, including Diahann Carroll as Joice Heth, billed in the circus as a 161 - year - old nursemaid for George Washington.
Tracks like The Smith's «Asleep» and David Bowie's «Heroes» play crucial parts in the film.
In Cannes, where the film premiered in May, I took part in a FILM COMMENT roundtable of critics; while some of us enthused about the film, Stefan Grissemann found it «highly problematic and also obscene.»
Idris Elba as Heimdall, plays a less static part in this film; and we see him away from his post as «gate keeper» and more involved in the action, making him more well - rounded, and more likeable.
Ejiofor was cast by Steven Spielberg to play a supporting part in the film Amistad.
Actors have played multiple parts in films for decades, but that trend is no longer relegated to Mike Myers or Eddie Murphy movies.
The 30 - year - old told David Letterman that his grandmother Nancy didn't like the role he played in The Wolf of Wall Street and that he should ask Mr. Scorsese for a different part in the film.
Japan plays a rather cosmetic part in the film, and Assayas» attraction towards Asian culture was still quite diffuse at that point.
Deadpool loses another body part in this film that finds himself having a «Basic Instinct» moment, crossed legs and all.
The actresses do all they can with stock parts in a film that affords no actress any worthwhile moments; Eastwood «s camera leers at the bodies of Italian and Dutch backpackers and partygoers with the eye of a dirty old - man cut loose in a Euro - disco.
Details on Clarke's role in the film are being kept well under wraps by Lucasfilm, but it has been rumoured that the actress is playing a character called Kira (a name which will be familiar to those who kept tabs on Star Wars: The Force Awakens when it was in production), and that she will have a substantial part in the film.
As the misogyny onscreen bleeds into the workspace, Gilderoy's own complicit part in the film comes into sharp focus, and his English reserve and linguistic isolation are revealed to be mere psychogenic fugue from a crueller, harsher reality.
But the most surprising casting decision, and arguably the best cast part in the film, was LeBron James as himself.

Phrases with «part in the film»

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