Sentences with phrase «part of an organism»

Or when parents who are an integral part of the organism don't identify with the mission of the school or follow healthy school processes?
«Coherence,» he writes, «means no mere sameness but sameness in difference: not the unity of grains of sand, but of parts of an organism which complement each other but are not all cast in the same mold.»
Each believer is becoming part of an organism that will have God at its center.
CRISPR - Cas9 is a versatile and highly accurate gene - editing technology that allows researchers to modify specific parts of an organism's genome by altering sections of the DNA sequence.
In recent years, ecologists have increasingly relied on stable isotope ratios to define and quantify part of an organism's niche.
It was an interesting story that I never had really heard of before working on this issue, which was that there was, in the U.S. you couldn't patent, kind of, a naturally occurring organism, or a human part of an organism.
It is known that the ATM protein is one of the main proteins involved in DNA repair in somatic cells (any of the cells forming part of our organism, except for germline cells).
Yawunik and its relatives tell us about the condition existing before such a division of tasks among parts of the organism took place.»
More importantly, Zhang and his team for the first time found that treating the pancreatic tumor cells with MIR506 induced autophagy, a process that occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development and that could promote cancer cell death.
They usually preserve only part of an organism — the part that was hard and sturdy to begin with.
Paligenosis, Mills explains, appears similar to apoptosis — the programmed death of cells as a normal part of an organism's growth and development — in that it seems to happen the same way in every cell, regardless of its location in the body.
'' [I'm studying] the possible role of nanobacteria in symbiotically precipitating hard parts of organisms, from clam shells to dinosaur teeth,» says Folk.
So your metabolism has a bigger effect on your overall health and well - being than you probably realize — as a vital part of your organism, associated with the normal function of all organs.
Serologic Test - These tests can be performed on blood serum to detect the presence and / or number of antibodies against certain organisms or certain parts of the organism itself.
Some of these limestones are composed of parts of organisms, primarily the remains of crinoids that thrived in the shallow seas.
The «irreducible complexity» or if one part of the organism is removed, then it would not work properly, like an eye or a wing.
The point is that, having demonstrated that design is required to explain at least one part of an organism, whether or not it is present elsewhere becomes wholly irrelevant, because one need only demonstrate that design was required in one aspect to show that a designer mustexist.
(b) The parts of organisms are functional and are inter-related one with another to form a system which is working in a particular way or appears to be designed for a particular direction of activity.
Of course we can say that the connection is more intimate between the parts of an organism than between the organisms of Nature.
The DNA that makes up genes contains the instructions to synthesise proteins, but it's wrong to think that, for a given gene, these instructions are always the same for all parts of the organisms.
The researchers are able to make ethylene from algae by altering a part of the organism's metabolism called the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, which is involved in biosynthesis and energy production.
cuticle (adj. cuticular) A tough but bendable protective outer shell or cover of some organism, or parts of an organism.
It is something that is already deeply ingrained in their genes and there really is no point trying to modify something that is part of the organism's entire existence.
By using the entire spirochete, the host is exposed to parts of the organism that are not useful in immunization and may lead to vaccine reaction.
Nicole Johnson, Atlanta native and a founding artist of Fly on a Wall, is thrilled to find herself a part of an organism grown from the fertile and creative grounds of the vibrant city of Atlanta.
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