Sentences with phrase «part of human history»

These events have occurred; they have become a permanent part of human history.
It connects perfectly in space and time those separated parts of human history that we have known.»
«The peach is an important part of human history, and it's important to understand how it became what it is today,» said Peter Wilf, a professor of paleobotany at Penn State and co-author of the article.
Storytelling is natural part of human history that's evident from cave paintings to today's mass - produced novels.
«The telling of stories has ways been such a rich part of human history.
I used to tell friends that for a large part of human history, careers for the blind were restricted to beggar, musician or soothsayer.
By exploiting 70's disco, one of the darkest parts of human history, the battle royale genre of games could see an eruption in popularity.
Gambling has been part of human history since the very beginning and its reputation never really has improved over time.
The medieval world of king and priest may be part of human history, but we lose the understanding of the organic layers of creation at our peril.
Religion has been a part of human history & has shaped society (to a degree).
(3) A more imaginative approach has been taken by some theologians who have suggested that the resurrection was an act of God and therefore not a part of human history, and is therefore not subject to the judgment of historians.
If these observations were not a part of human history, open to study by historians, then they didn't happen.
They are not apart, they are a part of human history as long as we exist.
In all likelihood, the hangover has been a part of human history a lot longer than the goblet.
As McGovern puts it: «It's so much a part of human history and who we are.»
Purebred dogs are part of human history and bring something extra to the human - dog mix — an appreciation of skills developed over generations; a consistency in appearance, size, and coat; an ability to compete in activities that blend training and joy; and the belief that future generations of humans will have access to future generations of these wonderful creatures.
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