Sentences with phrase «part of human life»

Thus, sexuality was to be seen not as a mysterious sacred power, but rather as part of human life to be used responsibly in gratitude to its creator.
Because we all spend substantial periods in situations of dependency, standard models of citizenship overlook the way such assisted agency is a normal part of every human life.
I think it's quite clear energy is an important part of human life.
To state the obvious: Death is a natural part of human life.
According to scripture, work is an essential and necessary part of human life — no more, no less.
Anyway, always keep in mind that children mean happiness and joy and an integral part of human life.
This interior dimension is the most central part of human life.
We don't know when such cultural activities became a dominant part of human life.
Christian tradition witnesses to the fact that it was not meant to be part of the human life cycle.
Sleeping is one of the most vital part of every human life.
They are living with our germs and as part of our human lives.
Stress is a normal part of human life and there's no denying that.
Accentuating the spiritual part of human life, the activity of is the soul, Solovyev is evidently following St. Augustine and his anthropological doctrine.
Genesis also reminds us forcibly that sin is an inescapable part of human life, and that sin has its roots in our determination to do what we want to do rather than to live in harmony with the world as God wants us to live.
So since it is a natural, inevitable part of human life, you will have to think about ways to handle your baby's soiled diaper.
WHILE childhood has always been a profound part of human life, public discussion of it is almost always confined to the personal and the practical — both in memoirs and novels, and in the ubiquitous parenting books.
Fasting is not a human idea, it is a necessary part of the human life if you want to gain optimal health.
Demystifying the evolutionary bases behind such a powerful part of human life thus became Fisher's express objective.
The continued disruption of air travel and airborne commerce over much of Europe from volcanic ash clouds is a reminder of how flying has become a deeply embedded part of human life in just a couple of generations.
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. have become an inextricable part of human life nowadays.
Science forms an important part of human life and often discovers new ways to beat numerous diseases and health conditions.
They both were seen to address the human heart by their careful analysis of concepts that focused attention on how to understand human subjectivity and how to see our human affections and emotions as part of human life and culture.»
Movement is (or definitely should be) a normal part of human life, yet many of us aren't getting enough of it.
Owing to the tragedy of Original Sin, suffering has become part of human life.
Despite the concrete, unarguable and indisputable fact that it's part of human life and all adults came from it.
Today things have not changed we don't want love as a part of our human life so we kill each other, it's call free will not God's will.
Sharing the table, gathering for shelter, food, and companionship, is so much a part of our human life — recipes are the continuity, the legacy, of those gatherings.
As for crying, an issue strong enough to birth a parenting divide, it is a part of human life.
Pain is a part of human life, but once we grieve and forgive, we are freer.
What I want to explore is traditional, oral storytelling, which has been a part of human life since we first left Africa 200,000 or more years ago.
Emotions are an important part of human life.
Our purpose is to advance a fairminded conception of critical thinking across all human societies, in every part of human life.
Although it is difficult to look far back into human history and understand exactly how area rugs were first used, it is safe to assume, based on archaeological evidence, that they have been a part of human life since around the year 3000 B.C..
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