Sentences with phrase «part of human nature»

He taught that death must be accepted as part of human nature; the important thing was to leave behind a good name.
It is just part of human nature to make mistakes or to not do what makes the most sense.
The habit of having as many children as one could afford was considered a fundamental part of human nature.
That goodness is part of the human nature shared by all the people.
Before he takes any attitude he is already constrained to make his choice, and therefore he must understand that just this necessity of decision constitutes the essential part of his human nature.
There is a widespread but false assumption that us - against - them hostility is an inevitable part of human nature.
It is an unfortunate part of human nature that we are inclined to spend money that isn't already accounted for.
Its probably an intrinsic part of human nature to find it very difficult to change longstanding personal beliefs.
It is natural to feel guilty, even when you are not at fault, as this is often part of human nature.
It's also part of human nature to be genuinely interested in certain things, to strive to overcome challenges, and to be driven toward mastery of a particular task or endeavor.
That's because empathy was a given for Adam Smith, an unquestioned part of human nature.
While I think that part of human nature frequently makes us foolish investors (who love chasing returns), I must admit that gold returns have been fairly impressive of late, meriting the attention it's been receiving lately.
This is yet another travesty brought about by that violent, ignorant, cowardly part of human nature that invented religion.
This perspective makes the economic part of human nature worthy of a creature made with divine generosity in God's own image.
Is war an ineradicable part of human nature, as some recent anthropologists maintain?
If the RC Church would actually do something to eradicate this vile and evil part of some humans nature, they would not be in this position today and you would not need to justify their wrong doings by citing other examples.
«This obligation between the generations is a very powerful part of human nature
I argue for the latter, although it's not inconceivable that the former has taken place, that we have literally evolved so that the more pacific parts of human nature have been strengthened, at least over a span of centuries or millennia.
John Horgan argues that war is not an innate part of human nature, and discusses the possibility that the human...
So many in the gym have the attitudes that you pointed out, pre-judging someone, before you now them is a bad part of human nature.
«It's just part of human nature for people to band...
What follows is probably the one moment in the movie where Joe displays the better part of human nature by his apparent compassion for the dead woman.
The question of whether such structures exist and what they are is always an empirical question, but whatever they may be, in their transcendence of what man shares with the animal they may be thought of as part of human nature.
Building on Phelps» argument that the marketplace permits expression of «the better part of our human nature,» I suggest that the discovery mentioned by Phelps and described above is a discerning of, and submission to, an underlying reality.
Member Benefits It is simply part of human nature to occasionally ask «What's in it for me?»
I'm pessimistic because a fundamental part of human nature is fear of change and getting to where we need to be really does involve change.
Cognitive bias are misleading quirks of thought — mental tendencies that are part of human nature.
Like I said in the beginning, cognitive biases are part of human nature.
It's a part of human nature to wonder if there is something better out there.
In fact, it doesn't just stop with the people in charge; I believe it's a part of human nature that we have to actively seek to overcome.
Part of human nature is we learn more when we use all of our senses.
Our human ability to delight in the world means that entertainment is part of human nature.
Sorry, Vic, but it's part of human nature to see it as a validation of our choices when others make the same choices.
If I'm not mistaken, even Jesus acknowledged that doubt was a part of human nature, so his story would be hard to believe.
Because this sin is part of human nature, we speak of original sin, that is, a sinful quality in our lives that is deeper than particular sins.
Being irrational is part of human nature.
So although, «belief» is a big problem it is by no means the only one and it is part of human nature, in my opinion, to find «common» ground for excluding «others» that are «different».
Whether this impulse is a trace of some particularly vicious strain humans inherited from simian ancestors or whether it is the worst blight of original sin, we seem to be stuck with it as a part of human nature.
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