Sentences with phrase «part of mankind»

I have sinned against the Commandments of the Church, but so has the greater part of mankind.
«I had always hoped that this land might become a safe and agreeable asylum to the virtuous and persecuted part of mankind, to whatever nation they might belong.»
I have no idea of what part of mankind should not lie with a man as with a woman that this is an abomination committed, and in those days was punishable by death, that you people don't understand.
You obviously know nothing about God's existence or non-existence but insist on calling others names for their faith, which seems to be a natural part of mankind's makeup.
The «Europeanization» of all foreign parts of mankind is the destiny of the earth.16
This condemns a considerable part of mankind to live in the vulnerability and insecurity.
Much like Human Revolution, my favorite parts of Mankind Divided take place in the open city hub areas that you're free to explore and rummage through at your own pace, under your own direction.
On the other hand, the techniques of postcivilization also offer us the possibility of a society in which the major sources of human misery have been eliminated, a society in which there will be no war, poverty, or disease, and in which a large majority of human beings will be able to live out their lives in relative freedom from most of the ills which now oppress a major part of mankind.
Questions don't measure someone's faith but rather questions that are unanswerable will ever be part of mankind's maleability.
Religion has been a part of mankind long before we came out of the caves.
It is, I am convinced, the vital question, and the fact that we have thus far left it unconfronted is the root cause of all our religious troubles; whereas an answer to it, which is perfectly possible, would mark a decisive advance on the part of Mankind towards God.
In so far as a man is part of mankind, he must be saved as men are saved.
Bjorn Lomborg reminds us that for every part of mankind that can destroy, there is also one part that can create.»
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