Sentences with phrase «part of one's language»

Identity politics and feminism became part of the language of contemporary art.
The advantage of their early adoption of the cause is that it has «become part of the language» around mission in their church.
A unique activity that has students writing descriptive paragraphs, this project is fast becoming an integral part of the language arts curriculum of many classrooms.
Joint attention is also a great part of language learning.
Talk, talk, talk - imitation is a big part of language development in babies and your baby needs material to work with.
Talking to baby is a key part of their language development.
Well, this is where the memory part of language learning comes in.
Several parts of language are very difficult for children with ADHD to make sense of and use successfully on a daily basis.
But food is part of our language of grief, and it is what we came here for.
Soon they become part of your language and that of those with whom you talk.
Wikipedia notes that this sense of the word piracy is attested as far back as 1603 CE and was used as part of the language of a copyright treaty as early as 1886 CE.
It is very important that notions of «winning» or being vindicated are not part of the language used to frame the outcome.
Journal writing, at least three times per week, is an important part of any language arts program in elementary school.
Color, once part of the language of oppression, is being transformed into the language of life itself.
The NFL will spend the next couple months determining whether or not automatic ejections are part of the language included in the new rule.
But before you start counting the number of words your child uses to judge whether she's on track, remember that toddlers understand many more words than they can say — and comprehension is an integral part of language acquisition.
More than 3000 hours of audio recording from 81 infants were collected between February 2010 and May 2012 as part of a language study designed to compare differences in language outcomes between late preterm and term infants.
It bears a curious title for such a peaceful image — one that Emin has described as a symbol of «hope, faith and spirituality» — because the Roman standards were nothing if not bellicose, an integral part of the language of warfare — and of the local identity of particular legions.
However, it's also worth remembering that many people who wouldn't call themselves Christian don't even think of swearing as rude or offensive — it's merely part of their language.
Even without knowing the written language, preschool children are able to rhyme with basic sounds, creating new, sometimes meaningless, sounds that are still part of the language, often at the annoyance of a mom in the driver's seat.
Most stuttering develops in children during the toddler years and it's a perfectly normal part of language development.
Graphs of the data show that the Pollyanna principle is indeed part of language itself.
FOXP2 is quite interesting, but it's dealing with fairly peripheral parts of language like [physical] language production.
But linguists traditionally determined historical relationships through sounds and grammar, which are more stable parts of language.
Mathematical expressions are compact and precise, and most early computer scientists assumed that at least part of language ought to display those qualities too.
There is no clear boundary at first between words, phrases, emotional inflection, or any other part of language.
An early episode of interbreeding gave one special group of extinct Neanderthals our DNA, including parts of a language gene
Viewed this way, it becomes apparent that the component parts of language — everything from gesticulation and babbling to meaning and syntax — are not as unique as the whole.
By making Character Strengths part of the language of our learning environments, students are given agency to increase self - awareness and social awareness.
However, Hiragana Pixel Party works only in a tangential sense to memorise the easiest part of the language.
One hears of art as object, color as form, form as the spiritual or sublime, «action painting» as process, the process as the expression of the artist (usually a white male), and its expression as part of a language beyond the individual.
By coopting parts of that language I am able to communicate non-specific references and influences in a way that make them accessible but still mysterious... I like the tension created by referencing a language that we expect to deliver some sort of information or message but keeping that message elusive to create a more contemplative moment.»
You might register a name as a trademark, but you would need to clarify with examples what you mean by «prefix» and a «suffix» (these have specific technical meanings in linguistics, and grammatical parts of a language — e.g. «un -», «dis -»,» - able»,» - ation») can not be protected as trademarks.
Google has used FABs for this functionality in its apps since the inception of Material Design — the FAB is a pretty notable part of the language.
In so doing, their discourses become part of the language of authority, part of history.
As part of a language arts program, our English classes are designed to develop all areas of language — speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, grammar, and pronunciation.
Gestures are an important part of language development.
Maybe it pisses God off if we try to ignore color, because for Morrison, color, once part of the language of oppression, is being transformed into the language of life itself.
Students may not use the tenses you had hoped, they may make up words, and they may even throw in English words here and there, but this is perfectly normal and part of the language acquisition process.
Whereas poetic metaphors are used only momentarily, in one context, for the sake of an immediate impression or insight, religious symbols become part of the language of a religious community in its scripture and liturgy and in its continuing life and thought.
God's Word is not just a part of language, it is a person.
He had thought so long about the words of Our Lord, especially in the Last Supper discourses, that they had become part of his language.
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