Sentences with phrase «part of one's upbringing»

Was faith a big part of your upbringing and was it part of your ecological awakening?
Wow, what a fab giveaway ~ stimulating dogs mentally is such an important part of their upbringing, and too often overlooked.
There were thousands of books and websites on baby names, sure, but very few that talked about raising children with sustainability and climate awareness as integral parts of their upbringing.
I grew up in Europe, but drinking wasn't part of my upbringing, and I certainly made it clear to my sons where I stood on the subject.
She insisted that her criticism against the military ruler was part of the upbringing virtues and lessons learnt from former President Rawlings himself.
JM: I was born into a family that cares about environmental and social issues, so you could say my awareness of environmental issues was just a natural part of my upbringing.
Watching that experience and growing up in and around the rock - and - roll industry and watching him leave a pretty conservative industry of accounting for the music industry — and the innovation that he brought to that industry — was a big part of my upbringing.
Of course he believed prayer worked... it was part of his upbringing and the brainwashing of the day.
The Z theory allows me to see, regard and accept the truth revealed in the one who said he was the way, the truth and the life and remain open to awareness and experience beyond the prescribed box that was part of my upbringing.
Part of his upbringing was as a Muslim is that the part you are referring too?
The Old Testament, however, was as much a part of my upbringing as the New, and I early learned to think of the Jews as Jesus» people.
It had been part of his upbringing and he found it hard to leave.
But this rivalry was created in the days when the players for the respective teams were local lads that had been taught to loathe our much - less - noisy neighbours as much a part of their upbringing in their area.
Upstate New York is a part of my upbringing.
Growing up in Germany, cake and coffee (kafee und kuchen) was a big part of my upbringing, and I still dream of the perfect carrot cake.
From the time Nick gets home from the airport as a 7 week old puppy until he becomes a gawky teenager, every part of his upbringing is filmed so you can watch him grow up right on your screen.
International environment has always been the part of my upbringing and my education.
It was part of his upbringing.
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