Sentences with phrase «part of that happiness»

In that case, however, virtue is not different from happiness, but rather is a part of happiness (U 46 - 48).
Whatever you like about the city in which you live, your flat or your bed is a part of your happiness.
Loving yourself — and your body — is a big part of the happiness equation.
As part of my Happiness Project, I have been trying to make more «fashion conscious» decisions while getting dressed in the morning before school.
A major part of her happiness is in her family, her home, rather than her career.
For the first half I thought it was a parable on rape, now I think it's more about suffering as a necessary part of happiness or at least love.
Interpersonal connection is a big part of happiness, and the Project - Based Learning model fosters it well.
Money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy security which is part of happiness.
I think that I've been part of the Happiness is Homemade family for about a year, and I have so enjoyed getting to know so many new bloggers through this link party.

Not exact matches

Be a part of our annual list celebrating companies where employee advancement, happiness and health comes first.
This year, the United States ranked No. 18 — falling four spots from last year and five from two years ago — «in part because of the ongoing epidemics of obesity, substance abuse and untreated depression,» according to World Happiness Report co-editor and Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs.
A big part of intelligence is confidence and happiness, so boost both by pausing to list not the things you have yet to do, but rather all the things you've already accomplished.
Although most success is ultimately rewarded with a larger paycheck or promotion, the small patterns you create on a daily basis become part of your character and not only increase your overall happiness but showcase skill and establish confidence.
While our culture is one of individuality, it turns out from his research that there's a lot more to be said for happiness as part of a bigger, collective whole of family and your tribe.
Consider if these skills will bring you success and happiness over the course of your life (the most important part).
Like Sachs, Whippman believes that «there are many reasons why life in America is likely to produce anxiety compared with other developed nations: long working hours without paid vacation time for many, insecure employment conditions with little legal protection for workers, inequality, and the lack of universal health care coverage, to name a few,» but she stresses that our «happiness - seeking culture» is also part of the problem.
Money can't buy happiness, but it is an important part of living life.
Remember that childlike part of yourself that put your happiness first; well, you are still in there (likely under a barrage of self - doubt and anxiety), but your inner child still exists.
When I spoke with one handler from Zirtual (she is part of the Client Happiness Team), she had quite a bit of advice for me but didn't really seem too interested in handling my specific issues and complaints.
For his part, Drummond pointed to town halls, focus groups, polls and visits to ridings are examples of tools policymakers use in trying to assess how various options influence happiness.
I consider a good reputation is a great part of the human happiness.
Here, our rather noble willingness to endure unhappiness (as an integral part even of a moral life dedicated to freeing us up most to the pursuit of happiness!)
I like to laugh and have fun but when I look at it, I'm a small part of the world and my fellow men and women have the same rights of happiness that does not cause others pain.
In large measure, however, these relations are not preconditions for but properly a part of the public world, i.e., they yield happiness beyond some minimal degree because nature is, as it were, taken into the human community.
Reinforcing in advance the claim I have put forth at the end of Part Two, Hartshorne went on to point out: «Just as the Stoics said the ideal was to have good will toward all but not in such fashion as to depend in any [221] degree for happiness upon their fortunes or misfortunes, so Christian theologians, who scarcely accepted this idea in their ethics, nevertheless adhered to it in characterizing God.»
A key part of Murray's argument is the claim that, for people with no special skills, the enabling conditions for the pursuit of happiness must be created within and through their immediate geographic neighborhood.
In 1991, my predecessor Bishop Glennon P Flavin wrote that «there can be no true happiness in your lives unless God is very much a part of your marriage covenant.
Individuals feel part of a cause greater than the self - interested pursuit of personal happiness.
For this indeed is happiness, but happiness is not a characteristic of spirit, and in the remote depths, in the most inward parts, in the hidden recesses of happiness, there dwells also the anxious dread which is despair; it would be only too glad to be allowed to remain therein, for the dearest and most attractive dwelling - place of despair is in the very heart of immediate happiness.
The reason for having friends, even where friendship included disinterested well - wishing, was that it was a part of the good life in which alone man found his happiness.
As a Word of Faith church, Eagle Mountain is part of the booming prosperity gospel movement, which holds that God wants to reward believers with riches, health and happiness, if they will just recite certain Scriptures, pray and trust in divine providence.
Life shapes you, you suffer other losses, some easier some not, you enjoy great moments of happiness, all building towards a time when you realize that the experience was just that... an experience that shaped you, revealed your darker side, and hopefully in the process brings you to a better place to be objective about the part you had during the whole process... be it victim, offender or innocent bystander.
Is it not ungrateful on our part to forget the Benefactor who grants us our happiness, the Benefactor to whom we address all our supplications in times of disaster?
So the last two chapters of Part I affirm that «Christ's Church, trusting in the design of the Creator, acknowledges that human progress can serve man's true happiness, yet she can not help echoing the Apostle's warning: «Be not conformed to this world» (Rom 12:2)» (37).
Every element of who we are is doing its part to bring us to union with God, which is our ultimate happiness.
As just one example, happiness could become a prime measurement of «wellness,» potentially opening the doors for ever more intrusive regulations under the Affordable Care Act as part of the legal requirement placed on the government to cut medical costs.
Sure, life after death and eternal happiness with God in heaven is part of the gospel message, but it is not the only part — or even the main part.
«No amount of «peace - building» will be able to last, nor will harmony and happiness be attained in a society that ignores, pushes to the margins or excludes a part of itself,» he said.
Traditional attitudes toward the natural environment make Indians, like the Japanese, more disposed than Americans to pursue happiness modestly.15 And almost six decades after his assassination, Gandhi's traditionalist emphasis on austerity and self - abnegation remains a powerful part of Indian identity.
Akin to his claim for the primacy of happiness in human motivation, then, Mill offers as yet another assertion of psychological fact, another «principle of human nature,» the claim that the happiness of others is a desire of each person and an important part of each person's happiness.
Only this joy knows that God's love to man and to the world is not cruel; knows it because that love is part of the absolute happiness for which we are all created....
He states: «It could be argued that the Church herself is in part responsible for this in that we have failed, since the social and sexual revolutions of the 1960s, to explain attractively and imaginatively the alternative vision of life and love that Jesus has taught and which he promises is the true way to human happiness and eternal life.»
That is, Mill could maintain that the pride, liberty, and dignity which distinguish the higher pleasures are not separate from pleasure or happiness, but rather are essential parts of human happiness.
All this should be of interest to the Christian thinker, for it enables him to find (as we have said) a «secular» confirmation for his belief in the God whose suffering love shares in the world's pain while at the same time his triumphant joy is in part derived from the happiness which the world can know.
The heart of all real religions is an affirmation that human life on this planet is only part of something very much greater; that «human values» are determined by an authority higher than human beings themselves; and that man neither finds happiness nor discovers his true self until his worship, his loyalty and his love are given to Someone infinitely greater than any man or group of men.
But here the difference consisted in the fact that the Reason yielded itself while the Paradox bestowed itself (halb zog sie ihn, halb sank er hin), and the understanding is consummated in that happy passion which will doubtless soon find a name; and this is the smallest part of the matter, for even if my happiness does not have a name — when I am but happy, I ask for no more.»
I find that whilst eating well is a huge part of wellness there are lots of other aspects that play into it too from exercise to sleep, skincare, stress management and general happiness — these things are all equally important if you -LSB-...]
I am so honoured to have been part of this celebration:) You deserve so much happiness, so much love and it was our aboslute pleasure to deliver you boatloads.
The Dreamin» cakes are part of the company's «Inspired by Happiness» line of gluten - free products, which also includes three - layer cakes.
I believe that part of the motivation of a «diet» is in finding happiness in what you do.
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